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2016/17 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

DESN3635 Computer Aided Design and Professional Design Presentation

20 creditsClass Size: 35

Module manager: Mr Phil Henry
Email: p.m.henry

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2016/17

Pre-requisite qualifications

Evidence of computer aided design literacy.


DESN1250Fundamentals of Imaging

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

Computer Aided Design (CAD) offers a number of clear advantages over traditional hand-drafting techniques; the essential design skills of repeat development and maximising the creative potential of a well controlled colour palette are facilitated in a comparably short time-scale. Equally, the ability to present authentic end-use representations is a key professional expectation, an asset in any portfolio, but also a versatile design tool providing the designer with valuable visual feedback on the effectiveness of motif scale and pattern placement. A good working knowledge of a valid design technology process is considered desirable by many creative industry employers.


Developing the ability to maintain creative control when designing in the digital environment is the underlying module aim. Key to this objective is the identification of an individual design framework that may encompass a number of technology tools and techniques. This will be achieve by utilising the most appropriate options from a range of design software that may include standard Adobe applications as well as specialist textile and fashion packages notably including 3-D simulation tools. The attainment of a professional standard in design presentation work in-line with industry expectations is an important focus throughout the module.

Learning outcomes
On completion of the module, students will be able to:
- develop a professional design portfolio that maximises creative presentation opportunities afforded by bespoke and generic digital design software;
- maintain creative control of original design concepts through the effective application and understanding of a range of digital design software;
- maximise the aesthetic potential of digital colour processes while demonstrating an awareness of and potential solution to practical and technical constraints;
- accurately communicate essential creative outcomes to a specific target client/potential market;
- critically reflect on the appropriateness of all aspects of their decision-making process in line with a rational digital design framework.

Skills outcomes
The challenging concepts of repeat pattern development will be explored alongside the effective application of colour through the understanding of creative theories. A focus of the module is presentation which will be taught as an integral element of accurate communication within the parameters of a well-defined design context, central to this skill is bespoke 3-D simulation software. Essentially, students will learn key methodologies for the adoption of technology as an enhancement to their developing creative process and future design professionalism.


Students will study strategies by which to identify and develop an individual framework for the purpose of delivering a well-considered and professionally presented design collection. The module teaching is primarily technology-based and, as such, will focus on the refinement of digital design skills and techniques. Furthermore, the module will provide the opportunity to build on core creative skills and ensure that good drawing ability, good colour judgement and the effective use of patterns and texture are all transferable to, and enhanced by, digital design. The module is structured to run in semester 3 with the intention of providing a useful support to the development of final year student work, and their abilities to demonstrate critical judgement and aesthetic awareness in all aspects of their design process and presentation

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Independent online learning hours160.00
Private study hours0.00
Total Contact hours40.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Private study

Independent research: 60 hours
Project production and evaluation: 100 hours

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Student progress in both their independent research and project development will be monitored and discussed during the weekly practical lessons discussions. The module is also supported by group critiques and group tutoring to explore theoretical design thinking to support their individual creative development. The submission of the first design collection at the end of semester one will provide a formal monitoring and feedback point.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Reflective logCreative log30.00
PortfolioDigital Design Collection 135.00
PortfolioDigital Design Collection 235.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

The creative log will document weekly progress; it should include inspirational research materials, preparation drawings, colour research and design layout plans as well as evidencing progress of creative concepts and significant improvements in your software skills. It is expected that this document will underpin the individual's development and understanding of their personal digital design practice, feedback and advice will be communicated on a case by case basis during the course of the practical sessions. Using the software skills developed during the module students are required to create two digital design collections which should demonstrate a coherent creative theme, a clear end-use application and conform to agreed commercial constraints. Each will comprise of a minimum of four repeating designs, an appropriate seasonal colour forecast, colourway alternatives and correctly contextualised 3D end-use simulation for each design

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 27/04/2016


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