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2017/18 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

EAST1070 Modern China

10 creditsClass Size: 75

Module manager: Frances Weightman

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2017/18

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

An introduction to the history of China in the 20th and 21st centuries: republic, warlord rule and civil war; Mao's China and the Cultural Revolution; economic reform, China today and relations with the rest of the world.


To introduce events and trends in the political, social and economic history of modern China.


The establishment of the Chinese Republic, warlordism in China, the Guomindang decade, the Second World War, the emergence of Communism to 1949 and the achievements and problems of the People's Republic of China.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours86.00
Total Contact hours14.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)100.00

Private study

Background reading
Preparation for seminars
Preparation for assessment

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Progress is monitored through participation in regular seminars.

Methods of assessment

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Standard exam (closed essays, MCQs etc)2 hr 00 mins100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 02/03/2018 17:22:46


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