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2018/19 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

HECS5146M Independent and Supplementary Prescribing for Pharmacists

45 creditsClass Size: 50

If you are applying for a stand-alone Masters level module please note you must meet either the general University entry criteria or the specific module pre-requisite for this level of study.

Module manager: Dr Mary-Claire Kennedy

Taught: 1 Jan to 30 Sep, 1 Mar to 30 Nov, 1 Sep to 30 Jun(Adv pre 2223), Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2018/19

Pre-requisite qualifications

- Current registration with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC).

- At least 2 years' experience as a pharmacist following initial registration. Support of the employer to show the student is expected to have a prescribing role when they qualify. Appropriate Designated Medical Practitioner. Certified evidence of ability to study at level M (normally has obtained 120 credits at level 3).

- Have a named Designated Medical Practitioner (DMP) who:
~ has 3 years recent prescribing experience
~ is within a GP practice and is either vocationally trained or is in possession of a certificate of equivalent experience from the Joint Committee for Post-graduate Training in General Practice Certificate or is a specialist registrar, clinical assistant or a consultant within a NHS Trust or other NHS employer
~ has the support of the employing organisation or GP practice to act as the DMP
~ will provide supervision, support and opportunities to develop competence in prescribing practice

This module is mutually exclusive with

HECS3103Independent and Supplementary Prescribing for Nurses and Mid
HECS3188Ind. Supplementary Prescribing
HECS5120MIndep't Prescribing for Nurses

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module results in registered pharmacists being qualified as independent and supplementary prescribers (non-medical prescribers).


This module is designed for registered pharmacists to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to become supplementary and independent prescribers. The module includes taught compulsory days along with the blended learning and supervised practice by a Designated Medical Practitioner (DMP). On successful completion of the module, pharmacists are able to apply to be annotated on the General Pharmaceutical Council register as independent prescribers.

Learning outcomes
(Set by the GPhC) On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
1. Understand the responsibility that the role of independent prescriber entails, be aware of their own limitations and work within the limits of
their professional competence - knowing when and how to refer / consult / seek guidance from another member of the health care team.
2. Develop an effective relationship and communication with patients, carers, other prescribers and members of the health care team.
3. Describe the pathophysiology of the condition being treated and recognise the signs and symptoms of illness, take an accurate history and
carry out a relevant clinical assessment where necessary.
4. Use common diagnostic aids e.g. stethoscope, sphygmomanometer.
5. Use diagnostic aids relevant to condition(s) for which the pharmacist intends to prescribe, including monitoring response to therapy.
6. Apply clinical assessment skills to: inform a working diagnosis; formulate a treatment plan; prescribe one or more medicines if appropriate;
carry out a checking process to ensure patient safety; monitor response to therapy, review the working/differential diagnosis and modify
treatment or refer / consult / seek guidance as appropriate.
7. Demonstrate a shared approach to decision making by assessing patients' needs for medicines, taking account of their wishes and values and
those of their carers when making prescribing decisions.
8. Identify and assess sources of information, advice and decision support and demonstrate how they will use them in patient care taking into
account evidence based practice and national / local guidelines.
9. Recognise, evaluate and respond to influences on prescribing practice at individual, local and national levels.
10. Prescribe safely, appropriately, clinically and cost effectively.
11. Work within a prescribing partnership.
12. Maintain accurate, effective and timely records and ensure that other prescribers and health care staff are appropriately informed.
13. Demonstrate an understanding of the public health issues related to medicines use.
14. Demonstrate an understanding of the legal, ethical and professional framework for accountability and responsibility in relation to
15. Work within clinical governance frameworks that include audit of prescribing practice and personal development.
16. Participate regularly in CPD and maintain a record of their CPD activity.

Skills outcomes


The indicative content is identified in the General Pharmaceutical Council's outline curriculum for training programmes to prepare pharmacist independent prescribers, September 2010 and includes the following:
Assessment and Review
Prescribing in a Team Context
Applied Therapeutics
Evidence-based Practice and Clinical Governance
Legal, Policy, Professional and Ethical Aspects
Prescribing in the Public Health Context

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Independent online learning hours5.00
Private study hours220.00
Total Contact hours225.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)450.00

Private study

There is a minimum of 220 hours at Level M included for private study. Students are expected to spend private study time in preparation for lectures, tutorials, practicals, the portfolio and assessment. 5 hours are timetabled for students to complete e-learning pharmacology workbooks. Students are also required to spend 90 hours with the designated medical practitioner.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Formative assessment is provided throughout the module. A formative exam and formative OSCEs are provided. In addition, case-based scenarios and questions are used within the lectures and seminars for students to work on. There are also workbooks and online learning for students to complete which have formative assessments within them. Feedback is also provided by the Designated Medical Practitioner via observation of practice, case-based discussion and achievement of competencies throughout the portfolio. Students are encouraged to send in examples of their work in the portfolio and these a fully assessed and comments returned to the student. We are also happy to see any student for discussions outside lecture times as appropriate.

A detailed academic supervision document has been developed for the module which draws on the School's Academic Supervision Policy.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
PortfolioThe portfolio forms the main framework for recording supervised hours and independent study. It includes a prescribing log, supervised practice time log and evidence of prescribing competency in various forms50.00
In-course AssessmentFORMATIVE: OSCE (60 mins)0.00
AssignmentCase Based Discussion (Pass/Fail)0.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)50.00

Portfolio: The portfolio forms the main framework for recording supervised hours and independent study. It includes a prescribing log, supervised practice time log and evidence of prescribing competency in various forms such as: - case studies - reflective accounts - witness testimonies - records of meetings, visits, discussion - protocol or guideline development and use (EBP) The portfolio is marked as a Pass or Fail by the DMP who signs to verify the students' achievement of each competency indicator. Students must demonstrate all specified competencies based on the single competency framework for prescribers. Students are required to write a 2500 word reflective case study linked to the development of competence evidenced in the portfolio. Students are instructed to select a consultation episode and critically examine the consultation. The Portfolio must include a numerical assessment. This will take the form of a drug calculation constructed by the student's DMP related to the context of the student's practice. A prescription linked to this calculation is necessary to demonstrate competence in this area. Students must achieve a 100% pass assessed and verified by the DMP and by the academic marker. All elements (demonstration of competencies, supervised practice time, numerical assessment, prescription assessment, 'sign-off' from DMP, graded element [pass mark 50]) of the portfolio have to be satisfactory, to acheive a pass. If the student fails, the student is permitted a 2nd attempt and if successful at the second attempt they will be awarded a pass but the overall course mark will be reduced to the minimum allowed for a pass (50). If the student is unsuccessful on the second attempt the student’s academic supervisor may present their case to the University Module Assessment Board which may then recommend to the Examination Board that they are offered a third and final attempt. DMP must meet the specific criteria needed to support the independent /supplementary prescribers’ programme of preparation. Ultimately, it is the module team who determines whether the portfolio is a pass or fail. This is a discussion with the DMP regarding a selected case and should last for between 15 and 30 minutes. Confidentiality must be maintained. This is filmed and submitted as part of the portfolio either via a disc or USB stick. The student leads the case based discussion and we expect some comments on the following: - Patient assessment, relevant medical history, current medication history and diagnosis - Treatment options considered and the action taken and treatment prescribed if appropriate - Clinical assessment, requirement for further investigation or referral - The rationale for choices made If the DMP considers the student to be below expectation in one or more areas they are asked to discuss that/those particular area(s) further. This discussion may also draw on experience gained in prescribing for another case. If below expectation at the end of the assessment If the student is deemed to be below expectation after the additional discussion, they are given feedback on the area(s) which are below expectation and advice on what action is required to achieve a satisfactory standard in these areas. A second attempt at the assessment will be permitted. This will not normally occur before a period of 6 weeks has elapsed. If the DMP considers the student to meet expectation, but the module leader does not, the student will be required to resubmit a further case-based discussion.

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Practical Exam / OSCE1 hr 00 mins50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)50.00

There is no compensation allowed between the summative elements of the assessment i.e. the OSCE, portfolio (including graded element) and case-based discussion all need to be a pass for the student to pass the module.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 12/12/2018 16:33:09


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