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2018/19 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

EDUC5261M Design and Evaluation of Digital Learning Environments (examination)

30 creditsClass Size: 10

Module manager: Dr Aisha Walker

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2018/19

Pre-requisite qualifications

Normally, at least two years relevant postgraduate professional experience. Ability to use basic digital technology (email, www, office software)

This module is mutually exclusive with

EDUC5253MDesign & Eval of Web Learn Env
EDUC5258MDesign and Evaluation of Digital Learning Environments

Module replaces

EDUC5253M Design and Evaluation of Web-based Learning Environments

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

In this module students work on a project to create a digital learning environment to suit their own professional context. The module includes staged and guided activities that help students to choose appropriate tools and to develop their digital learning environments. No specialist technical knowledge is required to take this module.Examinations for EDUC 5261M and EDUC 5262M can be taken either at Leeds or at a local British Council Office. Students who choose to sit the examinations at a British Council Office will need to pay an additional fee directly to the British Council.


On completion of this module, students should be able to:

- systematically design and critically evaluate a digital learning environment on a topic of their choice;
- analyse and apply principles and practices associated with technology enhanced learning;
- use an appropriate range of skills related to technology and learning

Learning outcomes
Students will learn about different models for designing and for evaluating digital learning environments and about how to use 'Scenario-based Design' to create environments appropriate to their own professional contexts. Students will also learn about the importance of accessibility in the design of digital learning environments and the principles associated with creating accessible environments. In addition, students will explore and evaluate a range of tools that may be used to create or which might be included within a digital learning environment.

Skills outcomes
Scenario-based design
Creating and editing audio files
Simple webpage creation
Communication and dialogue in digital learning environments
Testing usability and accessibility of digital learning environments
Evaluating digital learning environments


In this module participants will consider the theoretical and practical issues associated with creating and using digital learning environments. The emphasis of the module will be on principles of design and evaluation, which will be illustrated through the reproduction of a working environment. Support in the use of a specific web-editor will be provided through workshops during the module. The range of topics covered in the module include:

- digital media and learning
- accessibility and usability
- scenario-based design
- evaluation of digital learning environments;
- pedagogical principles and practices associated with technology enhanced learning
- a range of skills related to the creation of digital materials for learning

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Group learning123.0036.00
Independent online learning hours119.00
Private study hours120.00
Total Contact hours61.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)300.00

Private study

Students will be provided each week with online 'lectures' in written and audio formats together with supplementary readings, material, tasks and activities. Students will also be expected to undertake directed reading of academic papers; to post reviews of these papers on an online discussion forum and to respond to reviews that other students have written.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Each participant will be expected to make a contribution of between 500-750 words per unit, about a specific topic, in the asynchronous discussion. Each person will be expected to contribute to (and occasionally facilitate) the weekly synchronous online seminar. Each student will have two individual tutorials to discuss progress. Students will also participate in weekly synchronous online discussions which will also enable tutors to monitor progress.

Methods of assessment

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Standard exam (closed essays, MCQs etc)3 hr 100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)100.00

Students will need to travel to a British Council Office in order take the examination. There will be a fee payable by the student for this facility.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 12/12/2018 16:33:09


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