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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

HECS1125 Nursing: Key Concepts of Health and Wellbeing

40 creditsClass Size: 280

Module manager: Jo Lay

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

Programme entry requirements for:
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult)
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Child)
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health)

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

You will experience practice and have the opportunity to reflect on your experience in relation to the recognised professional, ethical and legal frameworks that guide nursing practice and recognising own limitations. You will learn how to search for, identify and use sources of evidence recognising that nursing practice is an evidence-based discipline. The biopsychosocial-spiritual model of health and well-being will be explored, and you will be able to discuss the application of this to your field of practice, personal and professional development. This module includes one week of clinical practice.


Students will be able to explore self, identify and apply knowledge, skills and attitudes that are key to nursing care and caring.

Students will be introduced to and explore:

- Key concepts of self in relation to care and caring and the role of the nurse within their field of practice.
- Health and wellbeing with reference to the biopsychosocial-spiritual model.
- Skills to enable them to engage in clinical practice and to study effectively.
- Personal learning objectives and identify and access the required support.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module students will be able to:

1. Describe the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of health and well-being in relation to nursing.

2. Discuss the concept of nursing and the role of the nurse in relation to their chosen field of study and their personal and professional development.

3. Search for, identify and use sources of evidence recognising that nursing practice is an evidence-based discipline.

Skills outcomes
Please see skills mapping.


This is an integrated module that combines 4 strands central to nursing practice: professional practice; applied practice; the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of health and well-being; evidence-based practice and study skills. Students will be introduced to key theories within these strands and develop an understanding of how they interlink and apply to working with individuals and their families.

Professional Practice:
- NMC The Code: and application to the student nurse
- Nursing foundations, definitions and theories
- Ethics: concepts of consent, confidentiality, accountability, responsibility and competence
- Professional boundaries: care, compassion, dignity, diversity and respect
- Developing resilience and life skills (including trauma informed care)

Applied Practice:
- Interpersonal and communication skills and working with people including augmentative/alternative methods of communication
- Principles of assessment and documentation of care
- Patient safety
- Medication management: sources of information
- Numeracy and drug calculations
- First aid (physical and mental health)
- Personal safety and breakaway training
- Clinical skills relevant to field and year of practice

Biopsychosocial-spiritual model of health and wellbeing:
- Biological– physiological basis of health and wellbeing in relation to the fundamentals of; homeostasis, cells, neuro-endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal systems and skin.
- Psychological- relevance to health, wellbeing and world views
- Social - definitions of health, illness, disease, stigma and labelling
- Spiritual - humanistic theories

Evidence Based practice and Study skills:
- Literature searching, academic reading and writing
- Academic integrity
- Types of evidence: clinical expertise, patient voice, lay media, personal experience, research

Field Specific Content:

- Nursing across the lifespan
- Person and family centred care
- Communication with people with varied needs
- Adults with cardiac, respiratory and skin conditions
- Meeting the hygiene, nutrition, elimination and skin care needs

- Family-centred care
- Child development and the impact on health and wellbeing and growth
- Role of play
- Communication needs of children and young people
- Common childhood illness such as infectious diseases (including bronchiolitis, pneumonia and diarrhoea and vomiting) and skin conditions (impetigo, eczema)
- Meeting the hygiene, nutrition and feeding, weaning, enteral feeding, elimination and skin care needs
- Height, weight, length, head circumference

Mental Health:
- Introduction to mental health and mental health care
- Person and family centred care
- Therapeutic relationships: Interpersonal relationships, listening and attending skills
- Understanding personal experience and holistic factors that impact on well-being
- Theoretical approaches to dementia care: a personhood approach
- Understanding internal factors and predisposition to ill-health and impact upon well-being
- The history of mental health care
- Meeting the hygiene, nutrition, elimination and skin care needs in mental health context
- Touch: personal meaning and practice applications

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Clinical Practice401.0040.00
Group learning51.005.00
Independent online learning hours160.00
Private study hours155.00
Total Contact hours125.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)440.00

Private study

The module will adopt a blended learning approach. Students will be provided with learning resources both to support face to face sessions and promote independent learning and curiosity. A blend of independent and group learning tasks will be undertaken during this module.

Students will be expected to undertake pre-reading and come to sessions, both theoretical and practical, prepared to apply their knowledge to a variety of different scenarios and discussions.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Students will complete a formative writing assignment in week 5. This work will be on a subject relevant to their summative essay and will enable feedback to be given on academic writing style and referencing.

Students will undertake a formative group presentation during the module to enable feedback to be given on their presentation skills in preparation for summative presentations later in the programme. The focus of the presentation will be field specific.

The "Flying start" online package consists of four component modules which the student needs to complete and provide evidence of completion. These are available via skills@library and will provide the students with underpinning study skills. This links to learning outcome 3.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay3000 words100.00
EssayFORMATIVE: 500 words0.00
PresentationFORMATIVE: Group Presentations - Presentations: Plan your presentation package via skills@library0.00
PortfolioFORMATIVE: Placement workbook (Pass/fail)0.00
Online AssessmentFORMATIVE: Flying start online package via skills@library and academic integrity tutorial0.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 20/06/2023


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