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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

HECS2237 Using Evidence for Practice

40 creditsClass Size: 90

Module manager: Rayarthur Wild

Taught: 1 May to 30 Sep View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

Normally 120 credits at level 1

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

During this module you will continue to build on and develop your knowledge and skills around types of evidence which underpin clinical practice. You will have the opportunity to discuss and debate contemporary issues relating to the integration of research evidence into the clinical settings and draw from examples of current clinical research. Through this journey your skills in judging the quality of research will improve, become balanced and be of value not only for this module but also for your dissertation and for continuous professional development. To achieve these aims and enhance your educational experience, a range of teaching strategies and learning approaches will be employed.


This module will focus on contemporary issues relating to the integration of research evidence into the clinical settings and draw from examples of current clinical research.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the module students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in required practice skills for year 2.
2. Identify, discuss and critically analyse current clinical research and identify areas where future research is indicated.
3. Evaluate the strategies for dissemination of research findings to a variety of audiences.
4. Summarise the relationship between concepts of evidenced based practice, clinical effectiveness, clinical governance and ethical principles to midwifery practice.
5. Demonstrate the ability to critically appraise methods of data collection, sampling and analysis for different types of research questions in midwifery practice.
6. Identify, discuss and critically analyse how evidence informed practice may be successfully implemented within clinical environments.
7. Demonstrate skills in critical analysis and enquiry within the discipline of midwifery ensuring that care delivery is responsive to current and emerging evidence and future developments.
8. Work in partnership with women and their families in providing safe and effective care pre pregnancy, during pregnancy, labour and birth, postpartum and in the early weeks of newborn infants’ life including future reproductive health and transition to parenthood.

Skills outcomes
Apply appraisal skills and demonstrate analytical ability to practice related situations, apply theory to practice and construct a coherent academic discussion.


Professional Practice:
Preparation for clinical placement
Reflection on and in practice
Research ethics including informed choice, consent and right to withdraw, recruitment of potentially vulnerable participants and coercion, anonymity and confidentiality, and minimisation of risk.

Applied Practice:
Application of evidence to inform midwifery practice.

Evidence Based Practice:
Revision of skills required for accessing and appraising evidence in preparation to successfully complete module learning outcomes.
Using the tools for blended learning within the module - WIKI and Blog
Sources of knowledge and contemporary evidence
Multiple sources of evidence and guideline development
Critical appraisal of a quantitative studies informing clinical guidelines.
Critical appraisal of systematic reviews
Understanding common statistical notation reported research papers: relative risk and odds ratios.
Critical appraisal of a qualitative study informing NICE guidelines, including the application of quality hierarchy.
Tensions between policy and practice - reflection on practice

Holistic care by reflection on practice and impact of care on women, newborn infants, their families, staff and service provision.

Content links to Standards of Proficiency for Midwives (NMC 2019)
Domain 1 = 1.4, 1.5, 1.18, 1.23, 1.25
Domain 2 = nil
Domain 3 = 3.7, 3.13.3, 3.15, 3.23, 3.25, 3.26, 3.27
Domain 4 = 4.4.3, 4.4.4, 4.8, 4.10
Domain 5 = 5.3, 5.7, 5.9, 5.12, 5.15, 5.16, 5.17, 5.21

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
On-line Learning152.0030.00
Group Project121.0012.00
Clinical Practice3001.00300.00
Independent online learning hours20.00
Private study hours180.00
Total Contact hours350.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)550.00

Private study

The students will engage in private study and independent learning to consolidate and advance their learning and understanding of the module content. Independent learning opportunities will include learning activities prior to and following online learning in formal classes. Independent learning opportunities will also include accessing a range of asynchronous learning activities including narrated videos, workbooks, contributing to Padlets and discussion boards.

The private study hours allocated to this module will be used to prepare for the summative assignment, preparation for independent and group learning activities, and background reading.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Formative feedback will include:
- Participation and completion of group work exploring how primary research findings are
disseminated and reported in the media. Responses (1 x 500 words per group) to be added
to a Padlet/Discussion board for tutor feedback.
- Online quizzes: to test knowledge and check understanding in relation to the module
content. Offered once a week throughout the taught content weeks (5 x per module).
- Completion of formative workbook throughout the module: students will be asked to
contribute to discussion threads on a Padlet for specific portions of the workbook (3 x 150-
200 words).
- Formative 'Q and A' synchronous sessions: to clarify understanding following asynchronous
learning activities at the start of each taught module week (4 x per module).

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Group ProjectFORMATIVE: Completion of a group task and uploading responses to Padlet/Discussion Board for tutor feedback (1 x 500 words per group)0.00
In-course MCQFORMATIVE: Online quiz to test knowledge and understanding of module content; offered once a week during taught content weeks0.00
Placement AssessmentCompletion of level 2 competencies Grading of practice50.00
AssignmentFORMATIVE: Completion of formative workbook and contribution to discussion threads on Padlet/Discussion board (3 x 150-200 words)0.00
Group DiscussionFORMATIVE: Synchronous Q and A sessions0.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)50.00

No compensation allowed: students must pass both the theory and practice assessment elements to pass the module.

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Open Book exam2 hr 50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)50.00

No compensation allowed: students must pass both theory and practice assessment elements to pass the module.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 01/03/2024


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