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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Programme Catalogue

MSc International Health

Programme code:MSC-INHLTH-FUCAS code:
Duration:12 Months Method of Attendance: Full Time
Programme manager:Dr Mahua Das Contact

Total credits: 180

Entry requirements:

Entry Requirements are available on the Course Search entry

School/Unit responsible for the parenting of students and programme:

Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, School of Medicine

Examination board through which the programme will be considered:

School of Medicine Postgraduate Programmes Assessment Board

Programme specification:

Programme Aims

The purpose of the MSc in International Health is to provide students with an opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills to work and conduct research in changing international environments with diverse populations, and to respond competently to the challenges presented by permeable geographic and cultural boundaries.

We have designed this programme to equip students to be able to make a valuable contribution towards achieving international development goals and reducing the burden of diseases borne by people living in low and middle income countries. In order to achieve this they need to be aware of and have the skills to work with and conduct research among diverse populations, geo-political environments and health systems.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the programme students should be able to:
- describe and analyse current international health issues and concerns;
- describe and analyse policies, planning and processes, programmes, and practices that contribute to and hinder improvement in health;
- describe and analyse different health systems and programmes and their application to health problems;
- demonstrate coherent subject knowledge and appropriate professional competencies (including planning, programme management and critical analysis) in international contexts;
- analyse social, cultural, and gendered aspects of health in international contexts;
- analyse which population groups are at increased risk of poor health and be familiar with policies and programmes designed to reduce health inequalities;
- explore and gain an appreciation of inter-country, and regional differences in health and healthcare;
- apply principles and practices to different health care settings in order to gain transferable skills and proficiency;
- explain interactions between the developed and developing world with reference to health and health care;
- analyse and critique diverse source materials and deploy accurately standard techniques of analysis and enquiry within the international health discipline;
- apply and critique approaches to research within international health;
- apply and critique methods used to assess and evaluate health programmes, and the tools to locate and understand additional international health information;
- synthesise subject knowledge and research skills to design and conduct an original research project;
- conform to professional boundaries and norms where applicable.


Transferable Skills
- Ability to travel and apply knowledge and skills in a future career in international health;
- Capacity to exercise own initiative and personal responsibility; and to work within a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural team;
- Ability to deploy decision making skills in complex and unpredictable situations, in an international context; and
- Ability to undertake scholarly and appropriate international health research.

Distinctiveness of the programme
The MSc prepares students to work and conduct research in international health. This programme is aimed at students who have limited or no prior experience in the sector and who plan a future career in international health. The programme is designed to be appropriate for students who intend to work within international health policy, systems or programmes. It is also appropriate for those who intend to pursue research careers with a focus on international health policy, systems or programmes.

The core modules provide students who do not have extensive prior experience with a detailed introduction to the key issues and challenges within international health policy, systems and programmes. The option modules allow students to develop their knowledge and skills in specified areas of interest. A strong emphasis on developing research skills prepares students for future careers in international health and provides a strong grounding for those who intend to pursue further postgraduate studies.

Learning on the MSc involve s a variety of methods. These include lectures, seminars and workshops as well as independent learning. Students use the University's Health Sciences Library and extensive computing resources. They benefit from interaction with students from a diverse range of backgrounds and cultures on this and other Masters programmes, which includes NCIHD's annual cohort of postgraduate students with international health backgrounds.

A distinctive feature of this programme is its research project, which provides students with the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of research into health systems and programmes, usually in an overseas context.

The choice of countries that you can go to for your project is dependent on travel advice from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, even if this may be your country of origin.

Year1 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

Candidates will be required to study the following compulsory modules:

MEDR5250MApplied Qualitative Health Research15 creditsSemester 1 (Sep to Jan)
NUFF5040MStatistics for Health Sciences15 credits1 Jan to 28 Feb
NUFF5065MKey Issues in International Health15 credits1 Sep to 31 Oct
NUFF5105MPolicy for Health and Development15 credits01 Oct to 31 Oct (1mth)
NUFF5495MResearch Project in International Health45 credits1 Oct to 31 May
NUFF5505MProgrammatic Responses to Key Issues in International Health15 credits1 Nov to 31 Dec
NUFF5510MIntroduction to Health Systems15 credits1 Nov to 31 Dec

Optional modules:

Candidates will be required to study 45 credits from the following optional modules:

MEDR5120MAnalytic Research15 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun), Semester 1 (Sep to Jan)
MEDR5130MIntervention Research15 creditsSemester 2 (Jan to Jun), Semester 1 (Sep to Jan)
NUFF5001MNon-Communicable Diseases15 credits1 Feb to 31 Mar
NUFF5305MImplications of Conflicts and Emergencies on Health and Healthcare Systems15 credits1 May to 30 June
NUFF5435MHuman Resources Planning and Management for Health15 credits1 Feb to 31 Mar
NUFF5455MSexual and Reproductive Health15 credits1 Feb to 28 Feb (1mth)
NUFF5465MHealth Economics for Developing Health Systems15 credits1 Apr to 31 May
NUFF5475MInternational Health Policy: Geneva Study Tour15 credits1 Jan to 31 May
NUFF5550MMonitoring and Evaluation of Health Programmes15 credits01 Jun to 30 Jun (1mth)
NUFF5590MCommunicable Disease Control15 credits1 May to 30 June
NUFF5610MHealth Promotion15 credits1 Apr to 31 May

Last updated: 30/08/2024 10:46:07


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