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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Programme Catalogue

PGCert Cardiac Device and Rhythm Management

Programme code:PGC-CDRM-PTUCAS code:
Duration:9 Months Method of Attendance: Part Time
Programme manager:Lisa Ashton Contact

Total credits: 60

Entry requirements:

Entry Requirements are available on the Course Search entry

School/Unit responsible for the parenting of students and programme:

Division of Biomedical Imaging, School of Medicine.

Examination board through which the programme will be considered:

School of Medicine Postgraduate Programmes Examination Board.

Relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Groups:

Relevant QAA subject benchmarks are within the Healthcare Programmes clinical sciences benchmarks, linked to physiological sciences.

Programme specification:

At the end of the programme, students should be in a position to:

- Critically evaluate and apply detailed subject knowledge and professional competencies which are underpinned by relevant research and evidence based practice
- Critically analyse the impact of cardiac devices across the lifespan
- Develop effective and appropriate individual management plans for service users with cardiac devices
- Work, at an advanced level, within a multi-professional team to improve the outcomes of service users with cardiac devices
- Critically evaluate the evidence base for practice
- Provide advanced practice within professional boundaries and the guidance of professional bodies, working at an advanced level within their scope of practice and recognise the need for lifelong learning

This module will cover many aspects of cardiac bradycardia rhythm management with primary focus of bradycardia devices. This module is particularly relevant for practicing cardiac Physiologists and allied health professionals who work within and are involved with cardiac pacemaker implantation and follow up.
Aspects covered will include anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology related to conduction system, pharmacology, pacemaker implantation and follow up, patient management.

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
- demonstrate the ability to perform role specific procedures, and identify changes to programming of pacemakers during pacemaker implant and follow up procedures on a range of patients,
- Synthesise and critically evaluate the prevalence, aetiology and symptoms of patients with bradycardia related conditions for the purpose of identifying appropriate application of pacemaker therapy in a wide range of pathologies and apply these to advanced practice
- Discuss and critically evaluate current issues pertaining to advanced clinical practice,
- Demonstrate recognition of patients’ needs both physically and psychologically for the provision of high quality patient care and provide appropriate support,
- Evaluate and appraise assessment, interpret and evaluation of data
- Evaluate and appraise a range of normal and abnormal measurements
- Critically appraise the practice and role of pacemaker therapy in the management of patients with cardiac condition and apply this to advanced practice
- Evaluate and critically appraise current literature/research studies for pacemaker implant and follow up topics, incorporating evidence based practice.

On completion of this module, students will be able to:

- Synthesise and critically evaluate the prevalence, aetiology and symptoms of patients with tachycardia related conditions for the purpose of identifying appropriate application of anti-arrhythmic therapy in a wide range of pathologies and apply this to advanced practice
- Evaluate and discuss the principles and application of advanced rhythm management tools in a range of pathologies and apply to advanced practice
- Discuss and evaluate current issues pertaining to clinical practice demonstrating a recognition and awareness of patients’ needs both physically and psychologically, and provide - appropriate support for the provision of high quality patient care
- Evaluate and appraise assessment, interpretation and evaluation of data and apply to advanced practice
- Evaluate and appraise a range of normal and abnormal measurements and apply to advanced practice
- Critically appraise the advanced practice and role of anti-arrhythmic therapies in the management of patients with cardiac condition
- Evaluate and critically appraise current literature/research studies for advanced rhythm management techniques, incorporating evidence based practice and apply this to advanced practice

Year1 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Compulsory modules:

Candidates will be required to study the following compulsory modules:

ARCS5204MBradycardia Device and Rhythm Management30 credits1 Jan to 31 May
ARCS5205MTachycardia Device and Rhythm Management30 credits01 Jun to 31 Aug

Optional modules:

Year2 - View timetable

[Learning Outcomes, Transferable (Key) Skills, Assessment]

Optional modules:

Last updated: 30/08/2024 11:51:49


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