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BA Fashion Marketing (International)

Year 3

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes will be dependent on the institution visited and the programme of study that the student undertakes. The student will be able to enhance their learning by the different approach offered through the experience of studying abroad.

Transferable (key) skills

Potential development of language skills. Development of a cultural awareness of different working practices and relevant transferable skills appropriate for that country. Hopefully, the student will be able to identify similarities and perhaps differences in these working practices. Students will be developing their academic benchmarking skills, problem solving and using communication, teamworking, working as an individual, sourcing information and perhaps numerical skills.


This will vary between institutions. Where possible, credit equivalents should be obtained, but within the School of Design this module has a pass/fail grading based on a second report written by the student on their return to the UK and School of Design in the following September. Students will also be encouraged where appropriate to participate in developing a portfolio for submission for the LCGI qualification.


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