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MSc Diagnostic Imaging (Diagnostic Radiography)(No longer Recruiting from 202324)

Year 3

(Award available for year: Master of Science)

Learning outcomes

o demonstrate in-depth, specialist knowledge and clinical mastery of equipment & examination techniques across a broad range of diagnostic Radiography practices;
o demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of underpinning scientific, technical and professional principles and concepts informed by knowledge at the forefront of advanced/consultant practice in diagnostic Radiography
o critically appraise the need for imaging and image-guided investigations and procedures by synthesising clinical and other relevant information to inform diagnostic Radiography decision making;
o apply in-depth specialist scientific, technical and professional knowledge, sophisticated psycho-motor skills and critical judgement and decision making behaviours to the acquisition, interpretation and reporting of diagnostic Radiography examinations to standards that meet national and local quality criteria;
o critically appraise and respond to each individual’s physical and psycho-social needs whilst undertaking diagnostic Radiography imaging and image-guided examinations to standards that meet service and user / carer expectations;
o critically evaluate diagnostic imaging examinations for technical and diagnostic Radiography quality;
o critically reflect on professional and social learning relationships within multidisciplinary clinical teams;
o critically and creatively evaluate current issues and research related to diagnostic Radiography practice and its role in the diagnosis and management of disease;
o demonstrate specialist in-depth knowledge and a sophisticated understanding of techniques applicable to research and advanced scholarship in diagnostic Radiography.
o formulate ideas and hypotheses to address clinical or professional problems; develop, implement and execute plans by which to investigate these using research, service evaluation or practice development methodologies;
o collect, analyse and synthesise original data in a manner that adheres to high standards of research ethics and governance;
o make and disseminate a contribution to evidence based Diagnostic Radiography practice;
o exhibit mastery in the exercise of personal and professional intellectual abilities

Transferable (key) skills

o The programme delivers a high quality, research-led educational experience in order to develop highly competent practitioners who contribute to the delivery and development of healthcare service provision.
o On completion of this programme the student will have in depth specialist clinical and scientific knowledge related to diagnostic Radiography and be able to contribute to the evidence and research base of the discipline.
o The student develops specialist clinical expertise and research skills underpinned by in-depth theoretical knowledge and practical experience.


o Written unseen or open book exams/practical reports/case reports/dissertations/essays


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