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PGDip Health Informatics with Data Science Part Time

Year 2

(Award available for year: Postgraduate Diploma)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the programme students should have shown evidence of being able:
- Critically evaluate and analyse current research evidence from published sources and publicly available health data which drive decisions in the health domain demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of evidence synthesis and data analytic techniques.
- Demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the provenance and quality of routinely collected health data for quality improvement in care identifying opportunities for process and pathway innovation and develop strategies to effect change.
- Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the discipline specific techniques by proactively framing ‘real world’ health questions to interrogate routine health data within a framework of health data governance and apply generalisable analytical techniques to support quality improvement in health care.
- Critically evaluate and applying social science frameworks to health care systems and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the societal context in which health professionals and patients engage with digital technologies and a self-reflective role in promoting and developing these key professional relationships.

Transferable (key) skills

PGDip students will have had the opportunity to acquire the following abilities as defined in the modules specified for the programme:
- Develop and practice the skills for post graduate study, including IT skills, literature searching, critical reading, academic writing, time management, team building and group working.
- Ability to critically evaluate received opinions and challenge their own thinking.
- Evaluate their own achievements and those of other, working with others within multidisciplinary groups to achieve goal
- Enhanced written and verbal communication skills
- Take a proactive approach to planning and directing their own work, peer to peer learning, professional development and take responsibility their own academic integrity


Achievement for the PGDip will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the programme and will involve the achievement of the students in:
- Demonstrate the ability to apply breadth and/or depth of knowledge to explore complex issues relating to health data/health informatics and it’s role in health and care improvement by critically evaluating the current evidence base.
- Demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge in a complex and changing digital environment
- Demonstrate their knowledge of governance, data flows and data sets (aggregate level data available from NHS Digital and datasets collated at Including MRI images, EEG timeseries, and data derived from electronic healthcare record by applying appropriate data handling and analytic techniques.
- Draw on a range of perspectives, including patient/clients in the implementation of technological advances.


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