Module and Programme Catalogue

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MA Art and Design

Year 1

(Award available for year: Master of Arts)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the programme, students should have provided evidence of being able to:
1. Demonstrate through practice an understanding of how the different approaches in contemporary Art and Design thinking and making can complement each other.
2. Evaluate the disciplinary boundaries in contemporary Art and Design.
3. Develop creative project work that is informed by current artistic and design research and practice. 
4. Evaluate how and why their research and practice are situated within wider debates such as sustainability, and the cultural and commercial industries.  

Skills Learning Outcomes
On completion of the programme, students will have had the opportunity to acquire the following skills and abilities:
1. Students will develop ideation skills, to formulate ideas and questions and evaluate these in relation to a developing creative practice. 
2. Students will develop evaluation skills, reflecting on their active and self-reflective role in relation to their creative practice


On the MA Art and Design programme we embed authentic, diverse and inclusive assessments, and employ formative assessments for critically supporting students to summative assessments.

Formative feedback will be provided to students through a combination of self-reflection, peer group and tutor feedback in tutorials and feedback clinics. Summative assessments will provide a measure of the extent to which students have achieved the learning outcomes of the modules. Assessment within each module will vary and include more than one assessment strategy and key strategies include portfolios, essays, verbal presentations, and the Final Major Project portfolio and exhibition.

The nature of assessment will change as the programme progresses:
Semester 1:  Assessments will focus on understanding and acquisition of new knowledge, academic, digital and professional skills.  
Semester 2:  Assessments will focus more on establishing how well students understand, analyse and apply this new knowledge in relation to increasingly challenging themes within art and design practice.
Semester 3: Study will become more self-directed major project often being negotiated and agreed with tutors.  


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