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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

BIOL8001 Training in the Workplace

120 creditsClass Size: 135

Module manager: Dr Alasdair Pickles

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Students must normally have gained 100 credits at the end of their second year which would allow for their subsequent progression to Level 3. Receiving and accepting an offer of a work placement, as approved by the module manager.

Module replaces

BIOC8001, BLGY8001, BMSC8001, SPSC8001

This module is not approved as a discovery module


The aims of the industrial placement year are to provide students with the opportunity:
- for professional skills development within an industrial/work environment;
- to contribute to the work of the company;
- to extend their knowledge and understanding of their subject and related areas;
- to provide experience in scientific research;
- to enhance their knowledge of career options and help in the making of career choices;
- to improve their portfolio of scientific and transferable skills.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the industrial placement, students should have:

- gained experience in project management, organization and implementation;
- completed an initial literature review related to the work being undertaken during the industrial placement;
- completed a research project and prepared the findings in the form of a written report;
- enhanced their understanding of their subject and related areas and the culture of the industry/environment in which they have worked;
- taken advantage of any learning opportunities offered by employers for personal development and/or to gain experience of up-to-date laboratory, managerial and work practices;
- further developed their scientific and transferable skills including those associated with teamwork, problem-solving and communication;
- gained a better appreciation of the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a successful career;

The decision to do a work placement year is an important one and needs to be made with due consideration.

Skills outcomes
Students will have the opportunity to develop a range of transferable skills that are a necessary part of the workplace.

Additionally, the student 'Work Profile' provides an opportunity to monitor the development of such skills, assessed by both the student and employer.

De-briefing, following the placement, will concentrate in part on the realisation and use of those transferable skills gained.


To be agreed by arrangement with the student, employer, module manager and academic supervisor, within the overall objectives described above, and taking into account the facilities provided by the employer.

Placements should normally be of 9-12 months duration, or two consecutively running 5-6 month placements by arrangement and must be full time (minimum 35 hours per week).

This module is assessed on a Pass/Fail basis. The mark does not contribute to degree classification.

Teaching methods

Private study hours1,200.00
Total Contact hours0.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)1,200.00

Private study

- Guidance and appropriate resources provided pre-placement and de-briefing session post-placement.
- Work experience and participation in the employer's induction/training schemes as appropriate.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Formal contact between student, employer and academic supervisor, through on-site visit, and/or regular electronic communication, or 'ad-hoc' contact as deemed necessary.

Guidance and appropriate resources provided pre-placement and de-briefing session post-placement. Work experience and participation in the employer's induction/training schemes as appropriate.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Placement AssessmentA "Work Profile" will be completed in stages throughout the placement, with input from the student, employer and academic supervisor, and presented for assessment. The student must be deemed to have satisfactorily completed their employment contract. A 2000 word literature review to be submitted following 3 months of the commencement of the placement. A written report by the student will be assessed within 3 months of the start of the academic year following the placement(s).100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

The module is assessed on a Pass/Fail basis.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:10:43


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