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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

CHEM9302 International Year Abroad

120 creditsClass Size: 10

Module manager: Dr Marcelo Miranda

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

Students must be eligible to progress to Year 3 of their programme prior to embarking on the study year abroad.

Where the language medium of the partner institution is not English, students must have normally gained at least Grade B at GCSE in the foreign language, and succcessfully completed a relevant package of FLTU electives in years 1 and/or 2 (or equivalent) in the foreign language.

Students must also have succeeded in being placed at a partner institution offering their subject area(s) through application to the Study Abroad Office (note that a Year 1 grade of more than 60% will probably be needed to make a competitive application).

Joint Honours and Natural Sciences students can only choose to study at destinations where there is a bilateral agreement with one of their subject areas. The only exception to this is Univesity College, Utrecht.

Module replaces

CHEM9301 European Year Abroad - been merged into the module

This module is not approved as a discovery module


On completion of this module, students should have:
1. successfully undertaken a year's study at a partner University outside the UK
2. broadened and deepened their knowledge of their degree subjects, by choosing modules which complement those they have studied, and those they plan to study in the following year
3. gained an understanding of the culture, insitutions, and society of another country

Learning outcomes
Improved language skills (if appropriate); improved self-awareness and interpersonal skils; synoptic awareness of the discipline(s) studied.

Skills outcomes
The ability to adapt to a new learning environment in a different culture.

International awareness.


The syllabus depends upon the courses offered by the host institute. The experience of previous students is used as a guide to the enrolment on suitable courses (which complement the chemistry courses at Leeds for single honours students and two of the subject areas studied by Joint Honours and Natural Sciences students).

For single honours students, choice of modules should be discussed with local advisors, and approved by the School of Chemistry by sending a list of modules to the Chemistry International tutor.

For Joint Honours and Natural Sciences programmes, students should discuss their choice of modules with the relevant Year Abroad Coordinator both in Chemistry and in their co-teaching school(s). They are also advised to consult their personal tutor.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Support by Host Establishment00.001,200.00
Private study hours0.00
Total Contact hours1,200.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)1,200.00

Private study

Decided by host institution.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

There is email contact with the module leader at Leeds but the students follow the assessment arrangements in existence at the host institution.

Academic and pastoral support will be provided through a local adviser and through the Chemistry International Tutor and students' personal tutors via email and the VLE.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
In-course AssessmentBased on: i) a pass/fail mark obtained under the host institution's assessment system to equate at least 50 credits (normally 60 credits) as specified by the European Credit Transfer Scheme (ECTS) (i.e. the equivalent of 100-120 Leeds credits); ii) satisfactory reports from the academic supervisor at the host insitution.100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

The assessment is based on: i) a pass/fail mark obtained under the host institution's assessment system to equate to the equivalent of 100-120 Leeds credits); ii) satisfactory reports from the academic supervisor at the host insitution. The result is not part of degree classification, but performance on the study year abroad as recorded on the transcript from the partner university may be taken into account when a student falls in the discretionary band.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 28/04/2023 14:52:18


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