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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

CIVE3160 Construction Site Fieldcourse

10 creditsClass Size: 54

Module manager: Mr. D. Richardson

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

This module is not approved as a discovery module


On completion of this module students should have gained practical insights into all or many of:
- Planning techniques
- Construction techniques
- Basic setting out
- Costing and estimating
- Constructability (and how this impacts design)
- Health and Safety (and how this impacts design and construction)
- Site management and team dynamics.

Important Notes

1. This 10-credit module is an optional module for Level 3 students.
2. The module involves a five-day residential fieldcourse which takes place in semester 2 and will be scheduled to coincide with other Semester 2 learning activities.
3. The maximum number of places on the module is limited to give all registered students the same hands-on experience. This therefore means that module places are limited and registration to the module is on a first come first, first served basis.
4. It is recommended that all prospective MEng students apply to take the module.
5. Participants in the fieldcourse will be subject to strict health and safety conditions.

Skills outcomes
- Leadership
- Planning and organisation
- Self awareness
- Team working
- Time management
- Use of knowledge.


The core of this module is a five day fieldcourse during which project teams (each of about 18 students) have to plan, manage and execute the construction of a scaled down real construction project under site conditions.

The fieldcourse will include onsite instruction on Health and Safety, construction techniques, use of power tools etc. The fieldcourse is preceded by a mandatory briefing day/workshop and each student has to submit a pre-fieldcourse report and a participate in a group presentation the October after returning from the fieldcourse.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours40.00
Total Contact hours60.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)100.00

Private study

20 hours - Pre-fieldcourse report.
15 hours - Group Presentation

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

- Group progress on the fieldcourse will be monitored by supervising staff and by daily progress meetings.
- External Resit: 50% Extended project report and 50% Extended essay on constructability.
- The group mark for the project team will be assessed by the site management team against a wide spectrum of evaluation criteria.
- If requested, by the group as a whole, confidential peer assessment by the members of a project team will be collected at the end of the fieldcourse. Where appropriate this will be used to adjust the mark given to the individual members of that project team.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Group Project/Project/DissertationGroup mark for each project team. Assessed by the site management team who will use assessment proforma with a wide spectrum of evaluation criteria60.00
ReportPre-fieldcourse Report25.00
PresentationGroup Presentation on project undertaken15.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

External Resit: 50% Extended project report and 50% Extended essay on constructability. The group mark for the project team will be assessed by the site management team against a wide spectrum of evaluation criteria. If requested, by the group as a whole, confidential peer assessment by the members of a project team will be collected at the end of the fieldcourse. Where appropriate this will be used to adjust the mark given to the individual members of that project team.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:12:17


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