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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

CIVE5275M Management, Practice, and Law

10 creditsClass Size: 50

Module manager: Mr. Justin Lunn ARB

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

The standard qualifications (or equivalent) set by the School of Civil Engineering for entry to any of its JBM accredited UG programmes.

This module is not approved as an Elective


Students will gain knowledge of the statutory processes and frameworks associated with the construction industry with particular regard for the role of the design team; an understanding of the purpose and forms of contract law as affecting building design and construction; knowledge of business principles relevant to the operation of a design consultancy with particular reference to architecture.

Learning outcomes
Students completing this module will have gained the knowledge, understanding, skills or abilities that contribute to achieving the following ARB General Criteria for Part 1:

1. understand the constructional and structural systems, the environmental strategies and the regulatory requirements that apply to the design and construction of a comprehensive design project; GC1.2;

2 the nature of professionalism and the duties and responsibilities of architects to clients, building users, constructors, co-professionals and the wider society; GC6.1;

3. the role of the architect within the design team and construction industry, recognising the importance of current methods and trends in the construction of the built environment; GC6.2;

4. the need to appraise and prepare building briefs of diverse scales and types, to define client and user requirements and their appropriateness to site and context; GC7.2;

5. the contributions of architects and co-professionals to the formulation of the brief, and the methods of investigation used in its preparation; GC7.3;

6. critically examine the financial factors implied in varying building types, constructional systems, and specification choices, and the impact of these on architectural design; GC10.1;

7. understand the cost control mechanisms which operate during the development of a project; GC10.2;

8. the fundamental legal, professional and statutory responsibilities of the architect, and the organisations, regulations and procedures involved in the negotiation and approval of architectural designs, including land law, development control, building regulations and health and safety legislation; GC11.1;

9. the professional inter-relationships of individuals and organisations involved in procuring and delivering architectural projects, and how these are defined through contractual and organisational structures; GC11.2;

10. the basic management theories and business principles related to running both an architect’s practice and architectural projects, recognising current and emerging trends in the construction industry; GC11.3.

In addition,

Students completing this module will have gained the knowledge and understanding to (contributing to the AHEP4 learning outcomes indicated between brackets):

11. Understand the environmental and societal impact of solutions to complex problems (to include the entire life-cycle of a product or process) and mitigation (M7);

12. Identify and analyse ethical concerns and make reasoned ethical choices informed by professional codes of conduct (M8);

13. Understand an inclusive approach to engineering practice and recognise the responsibilities, benefits and importance of supporting equality, diversity and inclusion (M11);

14. Discuss the role of quality management systems and continuous improvement in the context of construction management processes (M14);

15. Show critical knowledge of engineering management principles, commercial context, project and change management, and relevant legal matters including intellectual property rights (M15);

16. Communicate effectively on professional matters with technical and non-technical audiences, evaluating the effectiveness of the methods used (M17);

17. Understand self-learning and development as the foundation for lifelong learning/CPD (M18).


This module provides students with an understanding of the construction industry, as well as the roles and responsibilities of architects and other professionals within the design team. Topics within this are framed by key themes including statutory legislation affecting professional standards, site operation standards including health & safety, safe working practices and the role of the designer; key relationships between architects, other design team members and the client, with how these are operated through contract law and procedures; how design activity is mediated by and through design team processes, planning and building regulations; an introduction to business practices in the context of an architectural consultancy.

Typical reading material in support of this module includes:
Chappell, D. and Willis, A. (2010). The Architect in Practice. Wiley-Blackwell.
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015. Guidance on Regulations. (2015) H.S.E.
Lupton, S. Cox, S. Clamp, H. and Udom, K. (2012). Which Contract? RIBA Publishing, London
Ostime, N. (2013). RIBA Job Book. RIBA Publishing, London.
Polley, S. (2011). Understanding the Building Regulations. Spon Press, London.
Race, S. (2013). BIM Demystified. 2nd ed. RIBA Publishing: London. RIBA Publishing, London
Speaight, A. (2010). Architect’s Legal Handbook: The Law for Architects. RIBA Publishing, London.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Class tests, exams and assessment13.003.00
Private study hours77.00
Total Contact hours23.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)100.00

Private study

Research based on directed learning targets identified in lectures (from web-based sources of information; study of precedents; specific texts identified from a reading list, etc).

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Through seminars held to discuss answers to examination-style questions.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
AssignmentTake home coursework100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

100% take home coursework, resubmission to the original brief

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 20/06/2024 14:03:38


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