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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

CIVE5330M Bridge Engineering

15 creditsClass Size: 40

Module manager: Mateusz Bocian

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module provides in-depth knowledge on the different types of bridges, how they are designed and built and their impact on communities. Students learn about construction methods and erection/launching equipment, conceptual design, typical dimensions, and the fundamental structural behaviour of different bridge typologies. They have the opportunity to develop specialist skills through design problems, reflective exercises, and a design project with input from industrial collaborators.


This module has the following objectives:

- To understand the function of the different components of bridges and how they interact with each other in terms of load paths and contribution to overall stiffness and stability;

- To acquire knowledge of alternative configurations depending on span, capacity requirements and choice of materials;

- To understand the importance of factors such as topography, bridge length and project constraints and evaluate their influence on constructability and implications for design;

- To gain knowledge of bridge construction methods, erection and launching equipment, and conditions that determine their appropriateness or applicability in different scenarios;

- To learn how different types of superstructure respond to loads and the principles underlying their behaviour;

- To develop the critical thinking skills required to make informed choices in terms of conceptual design, definition of key structural elements, construction methods and mitigation of risks during construction and in service;

- To understand the principles of structural analysis and design necessary for the modelling and analysis of bridge superstructure, including statically indeterminate configurations and cable-supported bridges;

- To gain awareness of the implications of bridges on communities, in terms of societal needs, economic development, sustainability, and the impact on the wellbeing and lifestyle of communities served/affected by a bridge.

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module, students will have demonstrated the following learning outcomes (contributing to the AHEP4 learning outcomes between brackets):

1. To apply a comprehensive knowledge of mathematics and engineering principles to the solution of the complex problems posed by bridge design and construction, informed by a critical awareness of new developments and the wider context of engineering. (AHEP 4 Learning Outcome M1);

2. To formulate and analyse complex bridge design problems to reach substantiated conclusions, using engineering judgment to work with information that may be uncertain or incomplete, discussing the limitations of the techniques employed. (AHEP 4 Learning Outcome M2);

3. To select and apply appropriate computational and analytical techniques to model complex problems, such as the structural design of bridges, discussing the limitations of the techniques employed. (AHEP 4 Learning Outcome M3);

4. To select and critically evaluate technical literature and other sources of information, such as the DMRB, Eurocodes and related standards, technical specifications of proprietary systems, to solve complex problems. (AHEP 4 Learning Outcome M4);

5. To design solutions for complex bridge engineering problems that evidence some originality and meet a combination of societal, user, and business needs, considering health and safety, diversity and inclusion, cultural, societal and environmental matters, codes of practice and standards. (M5);

6. To use a risk management process to identify, evaluate and mitigate risks associated with bridge engineering projects. (AHEP 4 Learning Outcome M9);

7. To select and apply appropriate materials, engineering technologies and processes (e.g. bridge construction methods and equipment), recognising their limitations. (AHEP 4 Learning Outcome M10);

8. To function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader of a team, evaluating the effectiveness of own and team performance. (AHEP 4 Learning Outcome M16);

9. To communicate effectively on complex engineering matters concerning bridge engineering with technical and non-technical audiences, evaluating the effectiveness of the methods used. (AHEP 4 Learning Outcome M17);

This module contributes to AHEP 4 Learning Outcomes: M1, M2, M3, M4, M9, M10, M16 and M17.

Skills outcomes

a). The ability to plan time, prioritise tasks and organise academic and personal commitments effectively;

b). An ability to extract and evaluate pertinent data and to apply engineering analysis techniques in the solution of bridge engineering problems.


c). The ability to find, evaluate, organise and share information across a variety of formats, ensuring the reliability and integrity both of the sources used;

d). The ability to use digital technology and techniques to create digital items, and the willingness to engage with new practices and perspectives to solve problems, make decisions and answer questions.


e). The ability to search for, evaluate and use appropriate and relevant information sources to help strengthen the quality of academic work and independent research.

Sustainability Skills:

f). Understands and evaluates multiple outcomes; their own visions for the future; applies the precautionary principle; assesses the consequences of actions; deals with risks and changes; uses scenario planning;

g). Applies different problem-solving frameworks to complex sustainable development problems; develops viable, inclusive and equitable solutions; utilises appropriate competencies to solve problems; develops innovative and creative solutions.

Work ready:

h). The ability to prioritise, work efficiently and productively and to manage your time well in order to meet deadlines;

i). The ability to take a logical approach to solving problems; resolving issues by tackling from different angles, using both analytical and numerical skills. The ability to understand, interpret, analyse and manipulate analytical and numerical data;

j). The ability to take a logical approach to solving problems; resolving issues by tackling from different angles, using both analytical and creative skills. The ability to understand, interpret, analyse and manipulate numerical data;

k). The ability to gather information from a range of sources, analyse, and interpret data to aid understanding and anticipate problems. To use reasoning and judgement to identify needs, make decisions, solve problems, and respond with actions.


- Bridge design: historical perspective, types of bridges, conceptual design, aesthetics, durability, constructability, cost, use of resources, sustainability.
- Bridge deck loading and analysis: load models to Eurocodes; pedestrian, road traffic and rail traffic loads, bridge deck types; modelling and analysis methods.
- Bridge construction methods: stationary systems, moveable scaffolding, balanced cantilever construction, launching methods, erection by lifting, segmental bridges, prefabricated and precast construction.
- Concrete bridges: precast-pretensioned beams and in-situ slabs, post-tensioned concrete box sections, cable layout and losses, longitudinal design.
- Steel and composite steel-concrete bridges: composite I-girder decks, plate girders, box girders.
- Cable-supported bridges: cable stayed, extradosed, and suspension bridges; span configurations, components, towers and pylons: design and construction, cable types and analysis, flexural stiffness, lateral stiffness.
- Substructures: abutments, bearings, piers and columns, towers, expansion joints, foundations, soil-structure interaction.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours118.00
Total Contact hours32.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)150.00

Private study

- Preparation prior to each lecture, reading of core material, discovery exercises: 36 hours.
- Desk-based research and preparation of presentation for seminar: 14 hours.
- Bridge design project or case study: 40 hours.
- Revision for exam: 30 hours.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

- The study and preparation of an initial presentation, a final presentation and report on the bridge design group project are directly related to practically all the learning outcomes of this module. Students receive feedback immediately after the presentation from the academic staff as well as invited industrial collaborators.

- Several Q&A sessions are organised throughout the module for students to share their progress on the project with staff and industry collaborators so they can get advice and feedback at different stages of their work.

-Problem sheets are returned annotated with feedback and with detailed marks. Most common mistakes are explained to all during one of the lectures.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Group ProjectBridge Design Project30.00
Oral PresentationPresentation during seminar (15-30 minutes)20.00
Problem SheetProblem Sheets20.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)70.00

Resit 100% online time-limited assessment

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Online Time-Limited assessment3 hr 00 mins30.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)30.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 04/10/2024 14:54:26


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