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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

CIVE5331M Construction Technology

15 creditsClass Size: 40

Module manager: Dr Ashani Ranathunga

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module provides students with a comprehensive understanding of construction equipment and operations, focusing on equipment characteristics, technology integration, technical analysis, and critical thinking for informed construction problem-solving. Upon completion, students will demonstrate in-depth knowledge of various construction site operations and essential measures for addressing complex issues in transport infrastructure, with a critical awareness of new developments and the wider engineering context. The module emphasizes environmental and societal impact evaluation, quality management, and sustainable engineering practices. Additionally, students will develop skills in presenting complex information effectively, critical thinking, self-direction, independent learning, and teamwork in a professional setting. The syllabus covers a range of topics, including earthwork construction to concrete production.


This module aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of construction equipment and operations, emphasizing the exploration of equipment characteristics and principles, integration of construction operations and technologies, analysis of technical information, and development of critical thinking skills for informed decision-making in construction problem-solving.

Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this module, the students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate in-depth specialist knowledge and understanding of different construction site operations and essential measures in addressing complex problems in transport infrastructure construction with a critical awareness of new developments and the wider engineering context. (AHEP4 Learning Outcome M1);

2. Demonstrate proficiency in identifying construction equipment and techniques, proposing creative innovative solutions to complex problems in different construction scenarios and site configurations while acknowledging uncertainties and limitations of employed techniques. (AHEP4 Learning Outcome M2);

3. Identify and critically evaluate different sources of information, including technical specifications of construction equipment, literature, BIM libraries, and guidelines, to address complex problems effectively. (AHEP4 Learning Outcome M4);

4. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the techniques and processes applicable to the construction of transport infrastructure and their health and safety implications. (AHEP4 Learning Outcome M5);

5. Apply and integrated or systems approach to formulate ideas and hypotheses concerning the selection and use of construction technologies for different applications, and develop, implement, and execute plans to evaluate their appropriateness. (AHEP4 Learning Outcome M6);

6. Conduct comprehensive evaluations of the environmental and societal impact of solutions to complex problems and strive to minimize adverse impacts through informed decision-making and sustainable engineering practices. (AHEP4 Learning Outcome M7);

7. Make informed decisions regarding the selection of construction equipment, materials, and technologies for various construction operations, and assess their suitability based on their limitations, while discussing the role of quality management. ( AHEP4 Learning Outcomes M13 & M14);

8. Critically and creatively evaluate current issues, research, and advanced scholarship pertaining to construction technology, effectively communicating these complex matters to diverse audiences while evaluating the effectiveness of the methods used and promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion in engineering practice. (AHEP4 Learning Outcomes M11, M17);

9. Function effectively both as an individual and as a team member while critically evaluating the performance of oneself and the team. (AHEP4 Learning Outcome M16);

This module contributes to the AHEP4 learning outcomes M1, M2, M4, M5, M6, M7, M11, M13, M14, M16 and M17.

Skills outcomes
Work Ready Skills:

a). The ability to (both within verbal and written communication) be clear, concise, and focused; being able to tailor your message for the audience and listening to the views of others;

b). The ability to build positive relationships with other people which then enables the success of collaborative group projects;

c). The ability to gather information from a range of sources, analyse, and interpret data to aid understanding and anticipate problems. To use reasoning and judgement to identify needs, make decisions, solve problems, and respond with actions;

d). The ability to prioritise, work efficiently and productively and to manage your time well in order to meet deadlines.

Academic Skills:

e). The ability to deliver effective and engaging oral and visual presentations to a variety of audiences (technical and non-technical audiences);

f). The ability to plan time, prioritise tasks and organise academic and personal commitments effectively.

Sustainability Skills:

g). Applies different problem-solving frameworks to complex sustainable development problems; develops viable, inclusive, and equitable solutions; utilises appropriate competencies to solve problems; develops innovative and creative solutions.

Enterprise Skills:

h). The ability to deliver effective and engaging oral and visual presentations to a variety of audiences;

i). Developing and applying a breadth of knowledge to assess the consequences and impact of ideas, opportunities, and actions.

Digital Skills:

j). The ability to find, evaluate, organise and share information across a variety of formats and media, ensuring the reliability and integrity both of the sources that you use and of the ideas that they help you to generate.


- Planning for Earthwork Construction: Planning, Graphical Presentation of Earthwork, Earthwork Quantities, Mass Diagram.

- Compaction specification and control: Soil and Rock Properties, Compaction of soil and rock, Compaction tests, Soil processing.

- Compaction and stabilisation equipment: Compacting methods, Types of compacting equipment, roller production estimation.

- Mobile equipment power requirement: Required power, available power, usable power, performance charts.

- Dozers, Graders, rippers, excavators, scrapers, trucks: Production estimation, operational considerations, time estimation.

- Drilling rock and earth: drilling methods and production, drilling design.

- Blasting rock: Explosives, initiating systems, blast design, breakage control techniques.

- Concrete production and quality control: fresh state performance, proportioning of concrete mixes, quality control.

- General principles: the construction site, health and safety, impact mitigation, machine operating costs, sustainable construction technologies and practices.

The following topics are covered during the peer-led microlearning sessions: soil stabilisation, dewatering, piles, cranes, aggregates production, asphalt production and placement, Building Information Modelling (BIM).

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Class tests, exams and assessment15.005.00
Group learning82.0016.00
Independent online learning hours12.00
Private study hours100.00
Total Contact hours38.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)150.00

Private study

- Preparation prior to each lecture, reading of core material, and complete exploratory exercises: 30 hours.

- Desk-based research including extensive background reading, study on topic of choice and preparation of presentation for group project (peer-led microlearning sessions): 20 hours.

- Work on problem sheets: 20 hours.

- Study of materials developed and discussed during seminars: 10 hours.

- Revision for the final exam: 20 hours.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

- Research on topic of choice and seminar presentations: oral feedback is given for all presentations at the end of each seminar and during the preparation stage; detailed, individual marks and written feedback as per standardised marking criteria are also returned.
-Sample questions from problem sheet: step by step solutions to selected questions are demonstrated during lectures/tutorials after attempts working in groups.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Group ProjectPeer-led micro-learning (Groups)45.00
Problem SheetProblem Sheets30.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)75.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Online Time-Limited assessment3 hr 00 mins25.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)25.00

Resit percentages of formal assessment: individual written report on sustainable construction technologies - 25%, OTLA - 75%.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 20/06/2024 14:03:38


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