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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

DESN1707 Drawing beyond itself

20 creditsClass Size: 80

Module manager: Joe Gilmore

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Module replaces

DESN1706 Drawing B

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

The module offers propositions and skills for thinking through drawing in a broadest sense and beyond medium specificity. The aim is to question and examine drawing as a crucial activity and to provide students with an understanding of drawing as an expanded and interdisciplinary art and designmedium.


To provide a module that explores and questions drawing as a broad analytical visual language, allowing each individual to challenge their preconceptions and develop their unique approach and inquiry.
To inform creative/intellectual development by understanding drawing as a crucial activity that can underpin and support art and design practices.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, students will provide evidence of being able to:
1. demonstrate confidence and competence to utilise exploratory drawing approaches as a means to develop intelligent visual enquiry.
2. understanding the importance of visual analysis by demonstrating an ability to pursue inquiry through drawing methods and questioning these methods/approaches.
3. demonstrate a personal visual intent that reflects the developmental understanding of individual concerns and skillsets.
4. contextualise and apply critical analysis to speculative and investigational processes in drawing through independent studies presented as a written report.

Skills outcomes
Students will explore:
- a range of artists’ work and critical texts related to the expanded medium of
- and advance their drawing practical skills to form a contextual and practical
understanding around drawing methods, materials and tools.


The module focuses on developing drawing skills, and students are encouraged:
- to establish principles and concepts of drawing, e.g. direct observation, composition, scale, proportion, mark making, movement, rhythm, contrast, tone, texture etc.
- to explore a range of strategies and develop a personal methodology that will allow them to create their visual language and to develop a nuanced understanding of mark-making within contemporary art and design practices.
- through visual analysis, referencing and critique, to question the role of drawing within their specialised training.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours180.00
Total Contact hours20.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Private study

75 hours - develop a proposal, research and organise practical and textual material for personal project and report.
80 hours - practice, planning, organising, concluding practical work.
25 hours - progressing and finalise written critical material of the report.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

All modes of study supported by individual tutorials and group discussions, and a final evaluation/review. Also, via the VLE that contains selected reading material, seminar PowerPoints and Weblinks to relevant materials. As well, by the use of a VLE class blog, padlet or pebblepad, which allows students to upload work and material for group discussion and feedback.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Project1500-2000 words written critical commentary.30.00
PortfolioOne Portfolio of preliminary and finished works (including weekly class tasks, independent studies, and personal project).70.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 28/04/2023 14:38:38


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