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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

DSUR2146 Developing Clinical Practice 2

60 creditsClass Size: 30

Module manager: Fiona Heffron

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

Successful completion of year 1 of the BSc (Hons) Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy programme.

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

This module will provide students with a wide variety of skills to allow them to practise as a safe beginner in the role of a dental hygienist. Teaching is delivered in a variety of clinical settings, with students delivering direct patient care and observing qualified dental registrants. Seminars and tutorials consolidate knowledge and support the student in their development as a reflective practitioner. Students undertake oral health promotion activities with individuals and groups within the local community developing their communication skills and social awareness.Throughout this module students complete a reflective logbook which records their progress and future development needs.Unless your programme is designed to be delivered fully online, your programme and modules will be delivered predominantly on campus. These teaching activities will be supported by the use of digital tools to enhance your learning and experience. The catalogue provides details of your module and the teaching methods used to deliver your module (for example, lecture, seminar, tutorial, practical). It does not necessarily provide you with information about the mode of delivery for specific learning activities on your module (whether these will be on campus or delivered digitally). Information about the delivery mode for learning and teaching activities for your modules will be published in the timetable and in the Minerva area for your modules. You can access your personalised timetable through Minerva or our UniLeeds app on your mobile device. We sometimes need to adapt our teaching to take account of developments in the subject, in response to new research and current affairs for example, and on occasion we may need to adapt our delivery modes too. You will be kept informed of any proposed changes to the content and delivery of your modules as described in the module catalogue and we’ll make sure you understand and agree the reasons for any changes before they are introduced.


To provide the student with the knowledge, skills and experience to practise as a safe beginner within the permitted range of practical procedures of a Dental Hygienist as specified by the General Dental Council. This module allows the student to develop their reflective skills through guided reflective practice and to apply the knowledge obtained from both year 1 and year 2 into the clinical setting.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module the students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate through clinical experience a working knowledge of the professional requirements and skills required to practice as a safe beginner as a dental hygienist.
2. Accurately assess their own ability and demonstrate through reflective practice, the delivery of safe and effective patient care within the remit of a dental hygienist.
3. Demonstrate effective communication with patients, members of the dental team and other healthcare professionals.
4. Plan and deliver effective patient care, within the remit of a dental hygienist, including assessment and appropriate use of special investigations.

Skills outcomes
Practise as a safe beginner in the role of a dental hygienist.
Communicating effectively with patients and the dental team.


Clinical practice, including both direct patient care and the observation of dental treatments will be undertaken in the following clinical environments:
• Restorative Dentistry
• Paediatric Dentistry
• Dental Outreach clinics
• Dental Radiography
Basic Life Support and management of medical emergencies within the dental environment will be considered, as will promotion of oral health in a variety of settings.
Links with different dental disciplines to appreciate the wider field of dentistry will be made, including communication with the following groups:
• Patients and their representatives
• The public in general
• Fellow healthcare professionals
Review and assessment of patients requiring dental hygiene treatment will be undertaken.
NHS Trust mandatory training will be required.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Clinical Sessions63.5021.00
Clinical Practice1503.50525.00
Independent online learning hours10.00
Private study hours108.00
Total Contact hours595.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)713.00

Private study

Independent online learning
• Completion of online learning related to module posted on VLE including mandatory training
Private study
• Preparing for practical and clinical sessions
• Pre- and post-session reading as recommended by academic staff
• Preparation of coursework
• Completion of Reflective Log

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Individual verbal and/or written feedback will be provided at each supervised clinical session.
The Electronic Patient Record records clinical experience, student performance and feedback. Students can access this information via their individual log book.
Monitoring and feedback on progress will take place during tutorials. These sessions will gauge progress with the student cohort and individual students allowing provision of appropriate support.
Patient evaluation/feedback collected following clinical sessions contribute to the student’s reflective log and are discussed with the individual student.
Students with progress difficulties during the module are encouraged to seek advice from the modular team.
Student progress will be reviewed and appropriately managed through the School’s Student Progress/Clinical Progress Committee structure.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Poster PresentationPoster case presentation20.00
Reflective logClinical (progressional)0.00
In-course AssessmentAttendance - progressional0.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)20.00

• Students will need to have successfully completed specific components of their clinical reflective log and the poster case presentation prior to being signed up for the end of module assessment. • Satisfactory completion of the reflective log book is required prior to progression to the next year of the course. • Progress will be monitored regularly by the School. • Attendance as per School Policy • Students will have continuous clinical assessment during their practical clinical sessions.

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Standard exam (closed essays, MCQs etc)2 hr 40.00
Practical Exam / OSCE0 hr 30 mins40.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)80.00

In line with guidance from the General Dental Council the students are required to pass each component of the module independently to be awarded a pass grade.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 28/04/2023 14:57:41


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