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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

DSUR3130 Final Year Research Project

30 creditsClass Size: 25

Module manager: S. Boomer

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

Successful completion of year 2 of the BSc (Hons) Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy programme.

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

In this module students will have the opportunity to enhance and develop skills that underpin research practice in relation to dentistry. They will continue to develop higher level learning and research skills building on teaching delivered in year two.Students will be required to perform a structured search of the literature, analyse their findings, interpret their results and relate these to practice.Through a series of lectures this module will also lead students through evidence-based learning from bench to clinical practice.Unless your programme is designed to be delivered fully online, your programme and modules will be delivered predominantly on campus. These teaching activities will be supported by the use of digital tools to enhance your learning and experience. The catalogue provides details of your module and the teaching methods used to deliver your module (for example, lecture, seminar, tutorial, practical). It does not necessarily provide you with information about the mode of delivery for specific learning activities on your module (whether these will be on campus or delivered digitally). Information about the delivery mode for learning and teaching activities for your modules will be published in the timetable and in the Minerva area for your modules. You can access your personalised timetable through Minerva or our UniLeeds app on your mobile device. We sometimes need to adapt our teaching to take account of developments in the subject, in response to new research and current affairs for example, and on occasion we may need to adapt our delivery modes too. You will be kept informed of any proposed changes to the content and delivery of your modules as described in the module catalogue and we’ll make sure you understand and agree the reasons for any changes before they are introduced.


To develop the ability to locate, appraise and summarise evidence.
During this module the students will demonstrate the ability to plan, execute and complete a systematic review of a topic relevant to dentistry. This will build on research related teaching from earlier years.
Finally the students will communicate their findings and relate these to practice. The module requires students to work independently and demonstrate the research skills and knowledge expected of a university graduate.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the module it is expected that students will be able to:
1. Develop a focused research question relevant to professional practice that is answerable through an in depth critical literature review.
2. Systematically locate and retrieve existing research evidence using a comprehensive search strategy.
3. Critically evaluate the quality of evidence from a variety of sources using a structured and rigorous approach.
4. Evaluate and communicate the significance of research findings in relation to current and future practice.

Skills outcomes
Evaluation and communication of the significance of research findings in relation the practice of dentistry.


Academic Skills
• Critical Appraisal
• Statistics (building on basic statistics delivered in year 2)
• Literature searching
• Quantitative and qualitative research
• Research Ethics
• Translational research
Communicating research
• Verbal
• Written
Submit an individual critical and analytical dissertation, presented as a structured review based on the principles of a systematic review.The review will focus on answering a current and relevant research question in the field of dentistry.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Independent online learning hours15.00
Private study hours264.00
Total Contact hours21.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)300.00

Private study

Independent online learning
• Completion of online learning related to module posted on VLE
Private study
• Preparing for seminars
• Preparation for and completion of course work

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Regular supervisory meetings take place to enable student to develop and complete their dissertation, these include provision of individual feedback on interim course work submission. It is anticipated that these meetings will take place once per month and where appropriate some of these may be held in groups both to extend the learning opportunities for individual students beyond their own project and to assist with managing work load for supervisors with multiple students.
Student attendance is monitored at timetabled sessions and by individual supervisors during the period of supervision.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay or Dissertation6,000 word dissertation90.00
ReportProject Report0.00
Presentation20 minutes (including questions)10.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

The interim progress report will monitor student progress and enable provision of guidance for production of the final dissertation. Verbal presentation will be delivered to staff and peers demonstrating the student’s ability to communicate the significance of their research findings. The dissertation will take the form of a systematic review of the literature in a topic relevant to dentistry. Both components need to be passed independently.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 28/04/2023 14:57:42


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