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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

DSUR5055M Transferable Skills 1

10 creditsClass Size: 30

Module manager: Dr El Mostafa Raif

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

University degree

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

Unless your programme is designed to be delivered fully online, your programme and modules will be delivered predominantly on campus. These teaching activities will be supported by the use of digital tools to enhance your learning and experience. The catalogue provides details of your module and the teaching methods used to deliver your module (for example, lecture, seminar, tutorial, practical). It does not necessarily provide you with information about the mode of delivery for specific learning activities on your module (whether these will be on campus or delivered digitally). Information about the delivery mode for learning and teaching activities for your modules will be published in the timetable and in the Minerva area for your modules. You can access your personalised timetable through Minerva or our UniLeeds app on your mobile device. We sometimes need to adapt our teaching to take account of developments in the subject, in response to new research and current affairs for example, and on occasion we may need to adapt our delivery modes too. You will be kept informed of any proposed changes to the content and delivery of your modules as described in the module catalogue and we’ll make sure you understand and agree the reasons for any changes before they are introduced.


In the learning context of this module, alongside the other components of their programme of study, students will be provided with opportunities to develop:
- interests and informed opinions;
- their involvement in the design and management of their learning activities;
- communication of their conclusions.

The skills acquired in this module will facilitate the student in her/his expected progression to fully autonomous study and work.

For your guidance there are a number of courses available on the Staff and Departmental Development Unit website. (

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, students should be able to acquire skills in the following:
- those necessary for a career as a researcher and/or for employment in a senior and leading capacity in a relevant area of professional/clinical practice or industry;
- the ability to evaluate their own achievement and that of others;
- self direction and effective decision making in complex and unpredictable situations;
- independent learning skills and the ability to work in a way which ensures continuing professional development;
- understanding of relevant ethical and legal issues;
- understanding of relevant health and safety issues.


This module aims to enable the student to begin to meet the Learning Outcomes relevant to Transferable Skills as stated by University of Leeds Graduate Board and the Research Councils'/AHRB's Skills Training Requirements for Research Students. Transferable skills will be provided over the complete academic year in a combination of one-to-one work with PhD supervisors, workshops, seminars, lectures, conferences, journal clubs and other formats as appropriate to the individual student and their research project. The teaching / training may be delivered in-house in the School of Dentistry, or by other Departments in the University, most notably the SDDU, or it may be externally provided.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Day of Student selected placements116.0016.00
Private study hours65.00
Total Contact hours35.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)100.00

Private study

Because much of this training is experiential and preparation beforehand is usually not required or possible, the contact time for this module will be higher than for other 'traditional' 10 credit modules. The remainder of the time on the module will be spent in discussion with supervisors and maintenance of reflective training log and in research and preparation of presentations.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Progress will be monitored by meetings between supervisors and students:
- At the beginning of each semester to formulate a training action plan.
- Every month to discuss progress in the module and reflective training logs.
- At the end of each semester where reflective training logs will be presented and progress discussed.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
PresentationThis will be undertaken at the end of the year on a pass/fail basis within the department by supervisors. Presentation will include: A reflective training log, which will include reflection on and discussion of the workshops and key points gained from them; Training action plan; A literature review (word processed, 3,000 words plus bibliography) of topic related to research project, to be agreed between student and supervisors; A presentation at a research seminar of their research aims and plans.100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Each component attended by the student will be allocated a nominal number of points, and students will be required to accrue a minimum of 40 points over the year. full day workshop 8 points half day workshop 4 points lecture 1 point Seminar/journal club 2 points conference attendance 8 points oral presentation at conference 8 points poster presentation at conference 4 points attendance at Grad School 4 points per day This will be undertaken at the end of the year on a pass/fail basis within the department by supervisors. Presentation will include: A reflective training log, which will include reflection on and discussion of the workshops and key points gained from them.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 27/06/2024 09:23:47


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