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2016/17 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

EAST3035 Energy Security: Global and Asian Perspectives

20 creditsClass Size: 90

Module manager: Prof Christopher Dent

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2016/17

This module is approved as a discovery module

Module summary

Energy plays a crucial role in facilitating many, if not most aspects of human activity, and energy security is one of the most important global challenges facing humanity in the 21st century. The continued rise of the world's population and emerging economies such as China and India has created mounting demand pressures on global energy resources. Furthermore, the expanding use of fossil fuels has been the primary cause of climate change and many other environmental problems. Energy security is moreover intimately bound to the challenges of sustainable development, and Asia's pursuit of energy security is having the greatest global impact of all. This module examines how human civilisation has come to rely so much on energy, how the key energy sectors (fossil fuels, nuclear, renewables) have developed over time, what are the most important energy security predicaments we face today and are likely to face in forthcoming years, and what crucially important part Asia plays with regard to these matters.


- To improve students' understanding of energy systems and energy security, and their importance to 21st century society
- To link energy security to other key global challenges, such as sustainable development, climate change, global poverty, the world’s changing geopolitical structure and other resource security predicaments (e.g. water, food)
- To examine how Asia is particularly having an impact on global energy security

Learning outcomes
- Knowledge acquired of the development of the world's energy systems, how dependent human societies are on energy, and thus the importance of energy security
- Understand energy security from different conceptual and theoretical perspectives
- Appreciate the especially significant impact Asia is having on current global energy security predicaments, and its likely future impacts
- Consider the socio-technical, socio-cultural, geopolitical, governance, industrial, geographic and environmental dimensions of energy security


- History of energy systems and development: worldwide and with specific focus on Asia
- Understanding energy security: conceptual and theoretical perspectives
- Energy security, energy policy and energy governance: national, international, transnational and geopolitical dimensions
- Energy security, climate change, sustainable development and other relevant environmental issues
- Fossil fuel sectors: oil, gas and coal
- Nuclear power sector
- Renewable energy (hydropower, solar, wind, bioenergy, geothermal, ocean) and energy efficiency sectors
- Socio-technical and socio-cultural aspects of energy security
- In all the above, specific focus on how these are developing within Asia, as well as Asia's growing impact on global energy security in the 21st century.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours180.00
Total Contact hours20.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Private study

Preparation for weekly seminars - 10 x 2 hours = 20 hours
Preparation for group seminar presentation (non-assessed) = 10 hours
Researching, planning and writing up assessment essay = 100
Revising for examination = 48

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

- Through seminar presentations and regular weekly discursive interaction of students in the classes (mainly seminars) with the module tutor
- Assessment essay and feedback on it before the end of semester examination

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay3,000 words50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)50.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Standard exam (closed essays, MCQs etc)2 hr 00 mins50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)50.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 23/02/2017


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