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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

ELU0220 Academic English for Postgraduate Studies (AEPS) PGR Semester 1

Module manager: Milada Walkova

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

On this module, you will develop your ability to think about an issue within your field of study related to your proposed PhD research. You will work on developing your understanding of and ability to use academic English in both written and spoken communication. You will analyse a lengthy piece of academic research and will write a review of the given text. You will participate in a panel presentation.


This module provides students with the opportunity to:

- Demonstrate a knowledge of the language and skills applicable to academic communication;
- Demonstrate an understanding of the issues, cultures and concepts involved in UK academic study;
- Exhibit developing competence in the use and understanding of academically acceptable forms of English, both spoken and written.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, students should:

1. Be able to demonstrate some awareness of basic genre; making choices in relation to audience and purpose at whole text level.
2. Be able to demonstrate an awareness of basic discourse and rhetorical functions at whole text, paragraph and sentence level.
3. Be able to demonstrate an ability to follow set conventions in writing, including some attempt at referencing, meeting word limit requirements with minor errors and making some attempt at selecting sources.
4. Be developing a critical approach to their own work and the work of others by presenting different viewpoints, trying to use their own words to show an understanding of sources and communicating their own ideas.
5. Be able to use written language to suit a communicative purpose, including having a lexical and grammatical resource which can be used to express an idea or opinion with some coherence and accuracy and which allows mostly comprehensible communication but which contains errors throughout most of their writing.
6. Be able to demonstrate an ability to follow academic conventions in speaking, such as acknowledging where ideas or information comes from, expressing their own ideas, meeting task requirements, turn taking and building a collaborative understanding with some breakdown in understanding and communication and some dependence on memorisation, translation, prompts, self-correction and hesitation
7. Be able to use spoken language to suit a communicative purpose, including having an adequate lexical and grammatical resource to communicate their own ideas, but with some breakdown in understanding and communication and some dependence on memorisation, translation, prompts, self-correction and hesitation
8. Be learning to work with others on an academic task and have an awareness of the problems this can create
9. Be able to reflect on their own learning and be developing an understanding that they are responsible for finding opportunities to develop their own skills and knowledge.
10. Be able to describe, compare, evaluate and apply knowledge of some academic conventions within the general academic context.
11. Be able to communicate an awareness of the cultural issues of working with others from different cultural and learning backgrounds.


Indicative content may include the following topics: Communities of practice, Researcher Development Framework, knowledge creation in academia, writing book reviews, academic panels, researchers as teachers, working with supervisors, and writing for publication.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Independent online learning hours40.00
Private study hours221.00
Total Contact hours179.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)440.00

Private study

This is a full-time course. On average students will have 14 hours of tuition and 2 hours of consultations per week and will be expected to do an additional 4 hours of independent online study and 20 hours or more of private study each week, which will include reading and preparing for seminars, lectures and assessments using both online digital and print resources, and completing learning tasks.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Students receive regular written feedback on formative tasks, which allows them to improve their writing and language skills, and scaffolds the work they do for their final written assignment. This ensures that they are supported through every stage of the writing process. As well as regular class activities in groups, students work together to prepare and practise their presentation, which forms part of their summative assessment.

Formative tasks include:
- Diagnostic writing task (400 words).
- Summary writing task (250 words).
- Two seminars (1 hour each).
- Teaching task (30 minutes).
- Draft written task (1,000 words).

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
EssayWritten book review (2000 words)60.00
PresentationPanel presentation (15 mins plus discussion)40.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally, further attempts are offered for students who need to progress and who either do not meet the expected level of attainment or reach the required overall level but do not reach the required level on more than one assessment component.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:13:38


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