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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

FOOD8350 FS&N Industrial Placement

120 creditsClass Size: 70

Module manager: Professor Nik Watson

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Successful completion of Year 2 of the BSc Food Science (Industrial Placement), BSc Food Science and Nutrition (Industrial Placement) or BSc Nutrition (Industrial Placement) programme and a suitable placement secured in industry (public, private or voluntary sector) amounting to a minimum of 9 months duration. For placements involving children and vulnerable adults a satisfactory DBS check will be required.

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

This module will give students the experience of employment in positions that allow them to apply their knowledge and understanding of food science and nutrition, and to develop their transferable skills. In most cases, during employment, Students will work on a project relating to their degree subject. It expected that all placements will give the Students a challenging experience and benefit them personally and professionally.


On completion of this module students will have had an opportunity to apply their knowledge of food science and nutrition in an industrial environment (public, private or voluntary sector). They will have gained experience of working practices and relations in their place of work. They will have developed a number of new key skills, including identification of objectives, negotiating strategy and resources for achievement of such objectives, better knowledge of team working practices and a set of oral and written communication skills of relevance to the workplace.

Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this module, student should be able to:
1. Apply theoretical principles in the workplace.
2.Understand industry/organisational specific knowledge such as specific industrial processes, production of specific foodstuffs and/ or the application of nutritional knowledge in practice.
3.Be aware of company structure and operation in addition to principles of management (dependent on placement)..
4. Appreciate the development of personal and professional skills which contribute to successful workplace practices.

Skills outcomes
Students will develop skills in time and workload management as part of their day to day tasks and extended project work within the organisation. Clearly the nature of tasks is dependent on the nature of both organisation and the specific placement role. In general, through exposure to industrial or nutritional problems, students will develop strategies to deal with problems relying on knowledge gained from years 1 and 2. In the placement many students will be part of a team within the organisation and will further appreciate and develop working practices such as communication, verbal and written, team work and project management, as well as use of technology and laboratory equipment. Written reports, project work and verbal presentations during the course of employment will further develop those skills.


Students will have applied and been accepted on a one year placement position with an industry (public, private or voluntary sector). The broad aspect of the program of work will be agreed prior to the placement by the school, the student and the relevant company. The work can involve day to day tasks as deemed relevant by the company as well as a single project or a set of shorter interrelated projects, which cover the broad objectives set above. During time on placement the students will apply their knowledge and experience as undergraduate food scientists/ nutritionists to the business. Students will be encouraged to review their progress and achievements throughout the placement period using their industrial placement handbook. Before, during and at the end of placement, students will complete a questionnaire and write reflective pieces designed to evaluate the development of personal and professional skills. Line managers are also involved in this process. On completion of their industrial placement students will produce a placement poster describing their role, company structure and operation.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Poster session13.003.00
Private study hours1,192.00
Total Contact hours8.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)1,200.00

Private study

During the Industrial Placement, the student will be undertaking full time employment. Private study includes work related learning on placement, private study/reading, analysis and completing the questionnaires, reflections and the poster production. Within the employment there may be various in-house development tracking and training courses, dependent on the company. Students will be expected to keep a record of their progress toward their set objectives/work goals and show this at the placement visit. Students will be expected to keep abreast of advances in the field in which they have gained employment.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Formative feedback provided by placement tutor on the reflective logs at pre, mid and end of placement time points.
Formative feedback also designed to be available from the student’s Line Manager via their questionnaire responses, which are made available to the placement student at both mid and end of placement time points. How the student can use this feedback is evidenced in their reflective log which is based on this and their own questionnaire evaluation of their personal and professional skills.
Students will receive one work place visit which will allow both the student and their supervisor to discuss the student’s progress on their work placement. This information is passed to the University.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:14:15


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