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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

HECS5139M Personal and Professional Development in Healthcare

30 creditsClass Size: 30

If you are applying for a stand-alone Masters level module please note you must meet either the general University entry criteria or the specific module pre-requisite for this level of study.

Module manager: Claire Easthall

Taught: 1 Jan to 31 Dec (12mth) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Ability to study at level M ( normally has obtained 120 credits at level 3)
Current registration with a professional body
Access to appropriate pharmacy practice to allow the undertaking of work-based assignments
Appointment of an agreed work-based Educational Supervisor and support from a work-based manager

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module aims to support personal and professional development within the healthcare environment. It will equip trainees with the self-management, interpersonal, and consultation skills to work effectively with patients and members of the multidisciplinary healthcare team. Development of advanced consultation skills and reflective practice run throughout the module to facilitate personal & professional development. The module also encompasses development of work-based teaching and educational supervision skills as well as skills in patient safety and risk management.


- To apply knowledge of reflective practice to their personal and professional development, with a specific focus on their negotiating and influencing skills within the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT)
- To apply knowledge of models of consultation, communication skills and health behaviour change to their practice
- To employ root cause analysis and human error theory to investigating medicines-related errors and propose safer systems
- To apply knowledge and skills in work-based educational supervision to their practice

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate a critical approach to self-development through continuing professional development (CPD) activity;

2. Effectively communicate and negotiate with patients and members of the multidisciplinary team on complex matters;

3. Critically analyse governance systems within the organisation and ensure patient safety;

4. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in work-based educational supervision

Skills outcomes
- Educational supervision and teaching in the workplace
- Risk management and root cause analysis
- Reflective practice


Self-management, interpersonal skills and personal/professional development:
- Assertiveness, influencing and negotiating skills
- Reflective practice

Multidisciplinary team working:
- Working with other professions
- Effective team working
- Working across organisational boundaries
- Patient focussed care/user centred service provision.

Advanced consultation skills:
- Models of consultation
- Person-centred care
- Health behaviour change and medication adherence
- Duty of candour

Educational Supervision in the Pharmacy Workplace:
- Role modelling
- Work-based learning theory
- Constructive feedback
- Learning outcomes and developing learning plans
- Planning and evaluating teaching

Clinical governance:
- Mechanisms for quality assurance
- Risk management
- Audit
- Patient safety.
- Root Cause Analysis & Human Error Theory.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Class tests, exams and assessment23.006.00
Private study hours258.00
Total Contact hours42.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)300.00

Private study

A minimum of 258 hours of private study are allocated within this module.

These hours should be used for directed tasks, and to read textbooks and journal articles relevant to the module. They also include time for preparatory work and assignment preparation.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Students undertake a learning needs analysis and learning plan at the beginning of the course; formative feedback can be sought on these from the module lead prior to submission. The learning plan is then reviewed at the mid-point progress review with their work-based educational supervisor and a second learning plan (covering June-December) is developed; module lead formative feedback is offered on this too.

For both written essays, a template is available for students to complete in order to seek formative feedback on their work, this needs to be submitted via email to the module lead two weeks prior to the assessment deadline at the very latest. The template encourages students to share their essay title and focus as well as a brief essay plan. They are encouraged to highlight areas that they feel comfortable with and areas of concern too. Lastly students are offered an opportunity to provide a proportion of their written work for feedback.

For the consultation skills OSCE, formative feedback is offered via a practical session, in which the students work in triads, rotating through the roles of pharmacist, patient and assessor. They therefore receive peer feedback, but the session is also staffed so that at least two out of three consultations undertaken have a staff member present to offer further feedback too. Students practice mock consultations in the taught sessions on consultations skills too and again receive peer and some academic feedback. Students also undertake formative consultation skills assessments in the work-place, where feedback from their peer observer is offered.

For the Root cause Analysis oral presentations, a template is provided for students to seek formative feedback from the module lead, within which they detail the nature of the medicines error that they are investigating and the first three stages of the RCA process (identifying scope of the incident, sorting and mapping information, identifying and prioritising problems). This enables the module lead to feedback on the suitably of the error chosen and also to check that the students focus (prioritised problems) is appropriate.

The seminar format of all taught sessions enables ample opportunity for small group discussions on the topics covered in session. Through this, students receive peer feedback on their thoughts and ideas as well as session-leader feedback.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
EssayEssay 1: Critical reflection on negotiating & influencing within the MDT (1500 words)33.33
EssayEssay 2: Educational supervision in the pharmacy workplace (1500 words)33.33
Presentation30 minutes (20 mins presentation and 10 mins questions)33.34
In-course AssessmentFORMATIVE: OSCE - 3 stations - each 10 minutes in length0.00
PracticalConsultation Skills OSCE - 3 stations - each 10 minutes in length (Pass/Fail)0.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Compensation is not permitted between elements. All elements of assessment must be attempted. Failure in one or more element will result in the module mark being capped at 50 on successful resit.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:14:54


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