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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

HECS5298M Advanced Practitioner Inquiry

45 creditsClass Size: 40

If you are applying for a stand-alone Masters level module please note you must meet either the general University entry criteria or the specific module pre-requisite for this level of study.

Module manager: Sandy Herron-Marx

Taught: 1 Jan to 30 Sep View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

As programme entry requirements. A clinical placement with support from service managers is essential for this module.


HECS5169MIssues and Concepts of Advancing Practice
IOFN5004MResearch Methods

Module replaces

HECS 5170M Clinical Based Learning.

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

The module aims to enable the practitioner to examine and develop his or her practice in relation to local and profession specific standards of advanced practice. The module recognises the unique nature of individual practitioner's practice with the intention of stimulating the production of work to which they attach value. The practitioner will undertake an evaluative inquiry which examines a specific aspect of practice using change management theory and evaluation / action research methodology. The underpinning focus of the work will be to demonstrate the impact advanced practitioners can have on service delivery.


The aim of this module is to enable final year MSc Advanced Practice students to develop and demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes commensurate with profession specific and advanced healthcare practitioner competencies. Commensurate with this, students will design, propose and evaluate an inquiry which focuses on the impact advanced practitioners can have on improving the quality of patient care within their practice environment.

Learning outcomes
By the end of this module, students will be able to:

- Conduct a rigorous inquiry comprising the following:
~Establish a contextualised inquiry focus and problem identification;
~Review the literature and conduct evidence appraisal;
~Plan and strategise the inquiry underpinned with robust aims and objectives;
~Identify potential and overcome actual problems and issues emerging through the inquiry;
~Propose robust implementation of the process of inquiry;
~Evaluate; discuss and engage in theoretical reflection;
~Conclusion and consideration of areas of further research and implications for Advanced Practice.

- Demonstrate an innovative approach to practice

- Display creative thinking approaches and evaluate outcomes

- Utilise critical evaluation methods

- Appraise outcome measurement criteria and selection

- Apply evidence of best practice and clinical governance in multi-professional and inter-professional working

Skills outcomes
- innovative development: translating ideas into practice and
- leading and managing an inquiry into practice
- inter-professional learning and group working
- skills in presentation
- knowledge transfer and clinical practice application
- evaluation methodology and methods
- outcome setting, measuring and monitoring


Knowledge, theories, models and practice examples drawn from HECS 5169M Issues and Concepts of Advancing Practice and IOFN 5004M Research Methods plus local, national and international contexts to explore:
- innovation in advancing practice e.g HECS 5169 Issues and Concepts of Advancing Practice;
- implementation of advanced practice e.g HECS 5120M: Independent Prescribing, HECS 5235M: Clinical Examination, HECS 5236M: Management of Patients Clinical Conditions.
- utilise evaluation methodology, methods and design drawing on IOFN 5004M but specifically comprising;
i) Focusing the Inquiry.
ii) Establishing measurable objectives / aims
iii) Dealing with potential barriers to the inquiry
iv) Data Collection
v) Organising, analysing, interpreting, summarising and reporting results
vi) Dissemination and impact of the inquiry focus.
- outcome measurement: criteria, appraisal, selection and testing (IOFN 5004M);
- organise, manage and critically evaluate opportunities for learning and development in advanced practice;
- utilisation of the pillars of advanced practice (clinical decision making, ethics and law; innovation in practice; research and education; accountability)

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours402.00
Total Contact hours48.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)450.00

Private study

Private study and independent study will be undertaken by students in the form of literature searching and analysis to support learning and evidence for their practice. In addition these hours should be used to read textbooks and journal articles relevant to the module. They also include time for course work and written assignment preparation and networking with other students on the module.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

This will be achieved through tutorial sessions, workshops and academic supervision and support.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay10000 word essay: Propose a practitioner inquiry of the evaluation of a practice based issue.100.00
PresentationFORMATIVE: Informal presentations of research question, interim review and dissemination strategies0.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

10000 word essay will be presented as a choice of focusing on the main pillars of advanced practice as identified earlier. The focus of this activity is upon purpose, design and methods, risk assessment, implementation, evaluation and dissemination within a local and potentially national context. Academic supervision will be profession specific and provided by the module team.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:14:54


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