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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

HECS5318M Enabling Self Management in Long-Term Conditions

30 creditsClass Size: 70

If you are applying for a stand-alone Masters level module please note you must meet either the general University entry criteria or the specific module pre-requisite for this level of study.

Module manager: Fiona Meth

Taught: 1 Sep to 31 Jan (adv yr), Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Certified evidence of ability to study at level M
Registration with an appropriate Professional Statutory Regulatory Body
Working in an appropriate health and social care setting

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module is aimed at all healthcare professionals who wish to increase their knowledge, understanding and care of people living with long-term conditions. It considers a range of long-term conditions from a biopsychosocial viewpoint, critically considers the challenges of living with a long-term condition and provides strategies for enabling person-centred self-management. Wider issues pertaining to organisation processes and systems, health policy and the current political landscape will be considered with the aim of improving quality of care and quality of life for individuals living with one or more long-term condition(s) and the potential bio-psycho-social impact of living with a long-term condition on significant others.Critical, analytical and problem solving skills will be enhanced and developed to enable practitioners to deliver effective, timely and evidence based management and care to all people with a long-term condition.


This module will provide learners with integrated knowledge and understanding of the epidemiological and pathophysiological aspects of different long-term conditions. It will provide an in-depth, critical appreciation of the difficulties and complexities of living with a life limiting, potentially disabling long-term condition. The key principles underpinning the facilitation of self-management will be explored and linked to the need for efficient goal setting, communication and decision making skills.

Local, national and global issues that impact on quality of care, quality of life and service provision will be critically discussed and evaluated.

The module will also equip the students to develop their problem solving skills so they can confidently and competently facilitate person self-management in a range of care settings.

Learning outcomes
On completion of the module the students will be able to:
1. Critically consider the aetiology, epidemiology and pathophysiology of identified long-term conditions.
2. Critically review and analyse current evidence, guidelines and policies on the care and management of long-term conditions.
3. Appraise and evaluate strategies and approaches to enabling
4. Evaluate the role of communication and decision making skills in enabling self-management of someone with a long-term condition.
5. Interpret and discuss the impact and role of social prescribing, health literacy and health promotion to develop and enhance self-efficacy when living with a long-term condition.
6. Analyse and critically evaluate local, national and global drivers which impact on the quality of care of someone with a long-term condition.

Skills outcomes
Decision making
Negotiating and goal setting
Evidence Based Knowledge


Related anatomy and physiology, epidemiology and aetiology of the following long-term conditions - diabetes; asthma; COPD; stroke; tissue viability; musculo-skeletal and cardiac conditions.
Mental Health in long-term conditions
Risk assessment and communicating risk
Communication skills and goal setting
Behaviour change approaches
Social prescribing
Health literacy
Involving people in decision and judgement making/shared decision making
Leading healthy lifestyles; education, prevention and management
Mediating factors related to sustaining self-management and for tailoring to individuals
Sustaining self-management tailored to the individual
Impact of politics on healthcare
Multi-professional/multi-agency working
Influencing health policy
Use of data to support self-management
Service development to enhance quality of care

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Group learning11.001.00
Independent online learning hours25.00
Private study hours250.00
Total Contact hours25.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)300.00

Private study

Independent learning will require the students to complete a series of online workbooks focusing on the biopsychosocial aspects of different long-term conditions. The workbooks will include a range of 'time out' activities to enhance learning which will include independent literature searching, reading and critiquing identified online journal articles, watching clips from different media platforms and discussion of issues raised in the workbook with work colleagues.

Private study time will be used to prepare for tutorials, recap on topics and knowledge gained previously from other taught input and clinical practice and to consolidate this with new information gained. Students will use the University library and online facilities to research and read in-depth articles and books pertaining to the subjects taught on the module. This will broaden and provide depth to their knowledge base and enable them to successfully meet the module learning outcomes.

Private study time will also be used to reflect upon current practice and consider potentially different ways of working and managing people and their significant others who are living with one or more long-term conditions.

It will also be used to prepare and formulate the summative assessment.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Student progress will be monitored via the individual student's engagement with the online activities which can be identified via the online platform.

Students will be able to monitor their progress via their ability to complete the online activities and meet the learning outcomes within the workbooks. Student engagement with this will also be monitored via the online platform by the module team. Information and activities in the online workbooks will be used as the vehicle to discuss strategies and approaches to the management of long-term conditions in the taught sessions. The student's ability to link these will be monitored during class discussions and group-work.

In addition the general individual and group contribution they are able to make to the classroom learning opportunities and the informal feedback they receive regarding this will also provide information on student progress.

The student's learning will also be assessed during group learning where the student's will be supported to prepare for the assessment.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay5000 words100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 09/05/2024 14:34:17


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