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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

HECS5331M Relational Counselling Skills Part 1

15 creditsClass Size: 24

If you are applying for a stand-alone Masters level module please note you must meet either the general University entry criteria or the specific module pre-requisite for this level of study.

Module manager: Stuart Gore

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Bachelor's degree usually at 2.1 with hons and level 3 certificate in counselling skills or equivalent.
Students for whom English is not their first language must meet the University's entry criteria for English language ibtTOEFL of 92 (21 for listening, 21 for reading, 22 for writing and 23 for speaking)
It is desirable for students to have had experience of working in a helping role prior to application
Students will undergo full DBS check and occupational health review prior to commencing the programme

Module replaces


This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

In this module, the focus will be on developing your counselling skills so that you and we can be confident of your ability to work with clients, and building a reflective space to help you develop greater self and intersubjective awareness. For skills practice, you will be working in small groups taking the roles of counsellor, client and observer. These practice sessions are audio-recorded so that you can reflect on the session in the light of feedback from your peers and tutors.There will also be sessions including introduction to counselling skills practice, how to use and interpret counselling skills adherence measures, experiential group work in developing self and intersubjective awareness and seminars linking person centred theory topics to practice including empathy, unconditional positive regard and congruence.


This module is for students to be able to demonstrate their capacity to offer a facilitative therapy relationship in preparation for starting their placement. Students will be expected to provide and receive counselling skills feedback and demonstrate self and intersubjective understanding of the relationship through reflective feedback after each peer to peer counselling skills session.

Learning outcomes
1. Demonstrate a facilitative relationship with peers in counselling practice situations and readiness to begin practice as a counsellor/psychotherapist
2. Demonstrate self and intersubjective awareness in a practice counselling relationship with peers
3. Critically reflect on feedback and self-evaluate practice
4. Make effective use of personal therapy

Skills outcomes
Students will be required to demonstrate a level of counselling skills and self and intersubjective awareness commensurate with beginning counselling practice with clients


1. Training in how to give and receive feedback through developing an understanding of feedback types
2. Specific guidance provided in how to administer the adherence measures through the interpretation and provision of both qualitative and quantitative metrics when self-evaluating practice and offering feedback to peers
3. Counselling skills development in peer practice groups and self/peer evaluation using counselling skills and self and intersubjective awareness adherence measures
4. Linking person centred counselling theory to practice
5. Development of self and intersubjective understanding through group experiential learning and personal therapy
6. Peer review of reflective journals through the delivery of individual student presentations

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours105.00
Total Contact hours45.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)150.00

Private study

Reviewing recordings of counselling skills practice sessions, pre- and post-session reading, keeping a reflective journal (which is private and not assessed by others), assignment preparation.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Counselling skills practice feedback 2-3x for each student throughout semester – verbal feedback from tutor
Formative feedback from peers on reflective presentations
Feedback in group discussions
The reflective presentations as a formative assessment helps students develop self and intersubjective awareness which will form the basis of future assessments in reflective practice modules.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Practical10 minute section of 20 minute audio recorded counselling skills practice session with peers. Assessed by counselling adherence scale. This includes a verbatim transcript of the selected 10 minute section.70.00
Practical5 minute reflective feedback on counselling skills practice session30.00
PresentationFORMATIVE: Formative presentation on learning and personal development0.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Both elements of the assessment must be passed, no compensation given

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:14:54


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