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2025/26 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

LLLC3977 Leadership for a Changing World

20 creditsClass Size: 40

Module manager: Catherine Bates

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2025/26

This module is not approved as a discovery module


The purpose of this module is to provide students with a critical appreciation of:
- The changing nature of professional roles and identities
- The range and characteristics of leadership styles
- Issues in the identification and measurement of leadership skills
- Their own beliefs and values in relation to leadership
- New and emerging leadership models

Learning outcomes
On completion of the modules, students will be able to:

- Identify a range of leadership styles and the characteristics of each
- Analyse the impact of leadership style on organisations
- Critically reflect on their experiences of leadership and own leadership approach
- Explore new and emerging models of leadership
- Apply theoretical insights relating to leadership to employment situations
- Start developing their own leadership strategy, appropriate to an applied context of their choice

Skills outcomes


The module will cover areas such ascover:
- Social action, authority and bureaucracy
- Consideration of different leadership developments for different work sectors
- Leadership styles and approaches
- New and emerging leadership models

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours178.00
Total Contact hours22.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

There will be ongoing monitoring of student progress throughout the module via student engagement in each taught session and via the VLE.
Students will have the opportunity to discuss assignments in the taught sessions to receive peer and tutor feedback - and also to submit partial drafts of their work for tutor feedback.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay2000 words40.00
AssignmentReflective Work/presentation 3,000 words or equivalent60.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:16:10


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