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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

LUBS8001 Training in the Workplace

120 creditsClass Size: 250

Module manager: Stacey Mottershaw

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

Students must have met all University of Leeds academic progression requirements for Level 2 and have secured a work placement that meets with LUBS Year in Industry Work Placements Criteria requirements. Please note that all placements are subject to due diligence checks and must be approved by the University before a Year in Industry placement can start.

This module is mutually exclusive with

LUBS9001Year Abroad

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

The module involves completion of a 9 month (minimum) to 12 month (maximum) full-time placement working in an organisation in a role with graduate level opportunities. You find and organise your placement and start date in line with company requirements. During the placement you have a local manager and receive regular supervision and support from a University placement tutor. You complete three self-assessment questionnaires, and feedback is requested from your manager and a workplace colleague (peer). The three sets of questionnaires are then used to write the 100% reflective portfolio assignment, being a culmination of your skills and professional development during your placement. You are assessed on your reflections on the feedback received, in terms of what you have learned and achieved, and how your skills and goals have developed as a result of your placement experiences. The self-assessment questionnaires and feedback from your workplace manager and peer is intended to provide you with formative feedback during the year from a range of workplace sources. In addition to these feedback opportunities you will also receive feedback on your 100% reflective portfolio assignment.


This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to gain, reflect and learn from substantial experience of work by undertaking a graduate level job within an organisation which enables skill development, confidence and employability.

Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this module students will:
- Be able to identify and articulate the developments in their skills competence and knowledge, and recognise and develop their career values and goals.
- Have increased self-awareness of their professional identity.
- Be able to articulate their skills and knowledge effectively to prospective employers.

Skills outcomes
Upon completion of this module students will be able to evidence development of their skills in the following transferable areas:
- Cognitive abilities – such as enhanced analytical, creative problem-solving and critical thinking (including reflective) skills
- Interpersonal skills – such as enhanced communication skills, leadership, social/ cultural sensitivity (towards others) and team-working
- Professional identity and resilience – such as enhanced confidence, professionalism and self-awareness
- Resource Management – such as enhanced planning and organisation, time management
- Adaptability – such as enhanced flexibility, independent working and initiative

Subject Specific: Evidence development of their skills in the following areas -
- Commercial and ethical awareness, application of existing knowledge
- Job skills specific to the role on the placement


Indicative content:
To be agreed with the student, the Year in Industry Team in consultation with the placement provider to ensure that the placement year and opportunities for skills development are within the overall objectives outlined above. There will be additional opportunities for students to attend practical pre-placement briefing courses (run by the Business School) and to also participate in relevant placement provider training schemes too where offered (without receiving additional credit).

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours0.00
Total Contact hours1,200.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)1,200.00

Private study

This could include a variety of activities, such as reading, watching videos, question practice and exam preparation.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

During the placement students have a local manager and receive regular supervision and support from a University Placement Tutor. The self-assessment questionnaires and feedback from the student's workplace manager and peer is intended to provide them with formative feedback during the year from a range of workplace sources. In addition to these feedback opportunities students will also receive formative feedback on their 100% reflective portfolio assignment.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay3,000 words (reflective portfolio)100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

The resit for this module will be 100% by coursework.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 28/04/2023 14:49:22


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