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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

MECH2215 Integrated Design & Manufacture for Mechatronics & Robotics

40 creditsClass Size: 100

Module manager: Dr Bing Zhang

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Module replaces

MECH 2200 Sensors, Actuators and MechanismsMECH 2300 Design & Manufacture for Mechatronics and Robotics

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

This module introduces students to;1) - The engineering design of simple assemblies using an engineering methodology, including preparation of simple specifications, sketches and a solid model using a CAD system, as well as hands-on manufacturing of a prototype using workshop hand tools 2) - The design and integration of mechanisms, actuators and sensors to create simple interactive control systems.


In Design and Manufacture, students will learn to create and apply solid models and assemblies using a CAD system, creating designs of simple mechanisms or assemblies using an engineering methodology, including preparation of simple specifications, and to manufacture prototypes considering the capabilities and limitations of common manufacturing processes.

In Mechanisms students will learn to critically assess mechanisms and then apply this learning to solve practical mechanical problems which require the making of functional mechanisms which will challenge and develop their problem solving, material analysis, material application and manipulation, building skills, time management and communication skills.

In Actuators students will learn about hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical actuation. Students will learn the industrial symbology of actuator elements and their associated functionality within an integrated system. The students will be able to explore, create, solve and analyse process oriented problems using one, some or all of the actuator forms learned in the teaching sessions. Students will also experience a broad range of mechanical switch technologies from a physical and practical perspective.

In Sensors students will learn about devices associated with temperature, light, proximity (infrared, ultrasonic and magnetic) and specialist semiconductor sensors associated with audio, vibration acceleration and gyros. Students will learn the basic theory and transfer characteristics of these devices and the signal conditioning required to interface such devices to microcontrollers. The students will be introduced to, and develop, the C code required to extract meaningful data from such devices.

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following learning outcomes relevant to the subject:

1. Create and apply solid models and assemblies using a CAD system [D6, EA3m]
2. Prepare simple sketches, detailed and layout drawings and interpret them as corresponding 3D objects [D6]
3. Produce simple bills of materials [D6]
4. Explain measurement in the context of limits and fits [P2m]
5. Appreciate the capabilities and limitations of common manufacturing processes [P2m].
6. Understand and use a typical NC process to rapid prototype components [D6, P2m].
7. Perform bottom-up and top-down design of simple mechatronic assemblies using an engineering methodology, and by applying engineering science, including preparation of simple specifications [D2, D5, P3, G1]
8. Select appropriate standard components for a simple application.
9. Describe the iterative nature of design, in which an ambiguous specification evolves through analytical refinement into a concrete product definition through corrective steps [D2]
10. Recognize the need for trade-offs in product functionality.
11. Practice project planning and appreciate team working [D5, P11m, G1].
12. Take into account ethical considerations such as sustainability issues and product life-cycle assessment when designing engineering products [D2, EL1m]
13. Explain the rationale of the engineering design choices they have made [D6, G1].
14. Apply the knowledge learned to identify a series of practical solutions to a given mechanical problem. (EP4i) (G1)
15. Critically assess a mechanical solution from the perspective of functionality, performance, materials selection, longevity, cost and practicality. (EA2i)
16. Apply their enhanced construction and communication skills. (EP2i)
17. Analyse a simple industrial process control flow diagram and identify many of the component parts from which they could assess its functionality. (EA2i)
18. Apply practical knowledge on the use of industrial automation simulation software. (EP5i)
19. Select appropriate switching devices for a multitude of applications with a complete understanding of their operation, connectivity and characteristics. (EP4i) (G1)
20. Critically evaluate a sensor problem and determine the type of sensor or sensors required. (EP2i)
21. Perform an internet search to source multiple devices for given actuator/sensor types and determine their interface requirements and critically evaluate the sourced parts for suitability to the application from the perspective of functionality, precision, limitations, cost, environmental conditions and system integration. (EP4i) (G1)
22. Suggest and implement forms of signal conditioning, when required, on the selected parts (EA4i)
23. Interface the devices with a microcontroller and either activate or extract their fundamental data (EA4i)
24. Suggest/develop test environments to perform component analysis, calibration and testing. (EA2i)
25. Exercise personal responsibility, which may be as a team member. (G4i)

On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following skills learning outcomes:

Teamwork/Collaboration, Planning and Mobilising Resources, Decision-making, Computer Aided Design, Workshop practice, Design for manufacture, Integrated Design


Outline syllabus:

The module includes two team-based design and build activities:
1. Design and manufacture of a simple mechanical assembly such as a buggy that will introduce students to manufacturing processes and their limitations, and to measurement, limits and fits..
2. Integration of sensors and actuators on a mechanical device for automation.

Lectures introduce material on:
- selection of standard components and materials
- NC processes and rapid prototyping.
- Linear mechanisms (springs, levers, links and pulleys)
- Rotational mechanisms (universal joints, gears and cams)
- Energy storage and controlled release Mechanisms (windup, gravity and air)
- Actuator symbology, types and functionality
- Lab based learning using physical components and PC simulation tool
- Sensors types and their transfer characteristics
- Sensors and their environmental characteristics
- Sensor signal conditioning
- Sensor integration into embedded systems
- Designing sensor integration software using the 'C' programming language
- Extracting and displaying sensor parameters

Structured design processes are introduced and practiced through lectures, and further implemented by the students during design and build activities.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Independent online learning hours296.00
Private study hours0.00
Total Contact hours104.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)400.00

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Feedback during practical sessions.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
AssignmentAssignment 240.00
AssignmentAssignment 130.00
In-course MCQClass Test MCQ - Design Systems10.00
In-course MCQClass Test MCQ - Sensors/Actuators10.00
In-course MCQClass Test - Solidworks10.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Resit of the project offered in the next academic session. Students must satisfy certain threshold conditions of competence in order to be awarded the credits for this module.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 16/04/2024


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