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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

MEDI0103 Lifelong Learning: Transition to Medicine

20 creditsClass Size: 46

Module manager: Shelley Fielden

Taught: 1 Sep to 30 Jun View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

The pre-requisite qualifications are those required for selection onto the Foundation Year.

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

This module will develop students’ academic knowledge and skills to undertake undergraduate degree level study in medicine. It will equip students with the skills to become critical thinkers, reflective practitioners and to plan their own personal and professional development.


The module objectives are:
1. To prepare students to study Medicine at undergraduate level;
2. To equip students with the skills to become reflective practitioners;
3. To equip students with the skills to become critical thinkers;
4. To equip students with the knowledge and skills to plan their own professional development

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module students will be able to:
1. Develop strategies to plan their personal and professional development;
2. Appreciate the role of reflective practice in the context of medical education;
3. Identify, critically evaluate and assess information and present it in a range of formats;
4. Communicate persuasive evidence-based arguments in verbal and written form;
5. Use online resources and platforms effectively to support their learning ;

Skills outcomes
Communication in the healthcare context
Profession behaviour
Reflective practice skills
Presentation skills


Taught content will focus on personal and professional development and academic study skills that have relevance to current and future studies in medical education. Content will be aligned to ensuring students can meet the intended learning outcomes. Areas of teaching will include:
• Academic writing skills
• Communication & presenting skills
• Critical thinking
• Digital skills
• Examination preparation
• Reflective practice
• Personal & professional development planning
Teaching from the module supports preparation of assessments across the wider Gateway to Medicine programme.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Class tests, exams and assessment13.003.00
Independent online learning hours45.00
Private study hours40.00
Total Contact hours115.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Private study

You are expected to undertake private study and independent learning as part of this module outside formal contact hours. Independent online learning might include pre-work set for formal taught sessions and self-directed learning to support you in preparing for module and programme assessment. In addition, you will need to undertake private study to plan and prepare module assessments. Teaching will be provided to support you in adapting your learning style in order to become more independent in your approach as you transition to university study.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Student performance (attendance, contribution & professionalism) will be monitored during formal taught sessions by the academic tutor throughout the academic year and discussed with each student during the 1:1 Tutorial sessions. Tutorials will aid student understanding of the requirements of the module and the module assessment. The programme lead will review student progress at Course Management Team meetings and academic tutors and the module lead will be expected to raise any concerns relating to student progress when they first arise to the programme lead.
Academic tutors will provide written feedback to students on all draft and assessed work: the Reflective Task, the Verbal Presentation and the Personal and Professional Development Plan, feedback will be discussed at timetabled tutorials as required. Assessments are timed to align with wider programme assessment to maximise opportunities for students to apply feedback to future assessments.
To support students in the planning and preparation of coursework, academic writing surgeries will be offered across the academic year to re-visit teaching on academic writing and discuss feedback.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
PresentationVerbal presentation30.00
Reflective log500 word reflective task30.00
Written WorkPersonal & Professional Development Plan40.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 11/07/2024


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