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2025/26 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

MEDM5201M Preparing for the Research Project

15 creditsClass Size: 50

Module manager: Dr Ewan Morrison

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2025/26

Pre-requisite qualifications

As per programme entry qualifications

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module will prepare students for their research projects, giving awareness of all necessary Health and Safety procedures, ethical considerations, experience of a range of basic laboratory techniques, the importance and practicalities of keeping an accurate laboratory notebook, and the development of a work plan and proposal for a specific programme of research.


To develop graduates who:
1. understand Health & Safety as well as ethical considerations inherent to biomedical research
2. have the practical laboratory skills to essential for carrying out research project by undertaking a series of practical classes, analysing and interpreting their own results, keeping a laboratory notebook and completing extension tasks.
3. have experience in planning and writing a research project proposal

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following learning outcomes relevant to the subject:

LO1. Understand and be able to apply techniques commonly used in Biomedical Research through practical experience. 
LO2. Understand and implement procedures and methods applicable to Biomedical Research through discussion and practical experience of correct Health & Safety, ethical and experimental practice.
LO3. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of Biomedical Research by explaining the basis and implications of experimental outcomes. 
LO4. Organize, analyse and present their research data accurately and effectively in the form of a laboratory notebook. 
LO5. Be able to apply advance knowledge and understanding of Biomedical research to develop  a research project proposal with their project supervisor. 

Skills Learning Outcomes

SLO1 Demonstrate proficiency using various search engines to gather relevant data and information related to biomedical research, as well as using software to analyse data and produce diagrams illustrating concepts for inclusion in written reports and oral presentations. (working, academic, digital skills)
SLO2 Demonstrate critical evaluation of literature relevant to biomedical research and the ability appraise key concepts related to experimental approaches in biomedical research. (academic skills)
SLO3 Demonstrate the ability to take a logical approach to understand, interpret, analyse and manipulate numerical data in biomedical research. (academic skills)
SLO4 Demonstrate efficient time management in the preparation for tutorials, reading and critique of primary research papers, analysis of data, synthesising written work, generating digital presentations, and adhering to deadlines to submit the assessments.  (working, academic skills)
SLO5 Demonstrate the ability to present information in a clear, concise, and structured manner, both in a verbal and written form, and the ability to use visual aids appropriately to support written work and oral presentations.  (working, enterprise and academic skills)
SLO6 Demonstrate the ability to use the correct scientific language appropriate to their level of studies and good academic practice, including referencing and using their own language instead of plagiarizing. (academic skills)


Tutorials on Health and Safety.
Practical experience and tutorial discussion of the ethics of working with human participants in research.
Development of a project proposal with a named supervisor.

Wet lab practicals are designed as research questions to solve using:
- genomic DNA extraction
- PCR followed by restriction enzyme digestion and agarose gel electrophoresis
- PCR using cDNA templates
- Immunofluorescence staining of fixed cells
- Microscopy and Imaging
- Bioinformatics tasks

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours110.50
Total Contact hours39.50
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)150.00

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

The write-up for the first practical with associated questions will be used as a formative exercise and individual feedback provided. There will be a formative assessment for the completion of a laboratory risk assessment with individual feedback provided. Progress with the development of the project proposal will be monitored informally by the research project supervisors, who will provide individual formative feedback given to students on the first draft of the research proposal.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
CourseworkFormative - Write a detailed laboratory notebook and complete extension exercises after the first practical session0.00
CourseworkFormative - Write a risk assessment0.00
CourseworkFormative - Write a 3000-word research proposal.0.00
CourseworkSummative - Write a detailed laboratory notebook and complete extension exercises after each practical session30.00
CourseworkSummative - Write a 3000-word research proposal.70.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

There is no compensation between assessments for this module, students must pass each individual assessment in order to pass the module.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 22/01/2025


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