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2023/24 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

MEDS5109M Researching Clinical Education

30 creditsClass Size: 20

Module manager: Maureen Brennan

Taught: 1 Feb to 30 Jun View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

Meeting the criteria and qualifications established for acceptance onto the programme


MEDS5106MLearning and Teaching in the Clinical Context
MEDS5107MAssessment and Evaluation in the Clinical Context
MEDS5116MDeveloping Educational Practice

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module provides training in research methodology and prepares students to undertake a small-scale clinical education research project. It introduces the principles of research design and supports students’ decision-making as they prepare to investigate a relevant issue within their own clinical education practice. It aims to develop students' critical understanding and awareness of the range of methodological and theoretical issues within clinical educational research and to develop their practical skill in applying this understanding. The module content includes: research ethics, conducting a literature search and review, identifying researchable questions, negotiating access and support for the project, choosing a methodology, key research methods to generate, capture and analyse data, reporting and dissemination of findings.


On completion of this module, students should be able to ...
The module will provide clinical education students with the intellectual abilities and skills to identify and design a small-scale research project relevant to their area of clinical education practice. It seeks to develop critical understanding and awareness of the range of methodological and theoretical issues within clinical educational. Simplistic polarisation between choosing either a 'qualitative' or 'quantitative' approach will be avoided and students will be encouraged to select and integrate methods appropriate to the kind of research issues and contexts within which they work. These decisions will include appraisal of what other strategies and methods can offer, thus providing students with a generic grounding in research methods that combines both breadth and depth; insight and capability.

Learning outcomes
On completion of the module, students should be able to:
1. Conduct, and critically appraise, a literature search using library and computing facilities
2. Identify a research question based upon critical reflective insight and synthesis of the available evidence
3. Integrate knowledge of different types of methodological approaches into planning their research design
4. Make informed decisions about research design, methods of data collection and methods of data analysis which align with their methodological choices
5. Analyse the ethical issues in both teaching and learning, and clinical education research and prepare a submission for ethical approval for their proposed project

Skills outcomes
- Demonstrate in depth understanding of the skills and tools required to undertake a piece of research into clinical education
- Communication skills in relation to collaborative research design and evaluation and the capacity to articulate research ideas and work in progress to peers and colleagues


Research context: the purposes and processes of clinical educational research; how research can be used to inform and improve practice in clinical education
Research problems: formulating a conceptual focus and clear rationale for a research study; developing research questions; ethics and responsibilities in teaching and learning in the clinical setting and in procedures for conducting ethical research.
Research methodologies - understanding research paradigms; quantitative, qualitative, eclectic, mixed methods and practitioner-based approaches to research in education, clinical education and the health sciences.
Evidence-based approaches to learning and teaching.
Research strategy and design - types of data, sampling, selection, design and construction of appropriate research tools; appropriate forms of analysis to work with primary and/or secondary data. This will include practical exercises in interviewing, conducting focus groups and analysis of data.
Designing a research protocol.
Research supervision, roles and responsibilities

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Independent online learning hours48.00
Private study hours208.00
Total Contact hours44.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)300.00

Private study

208 hours of private study inclusive of:
- 52 hours reading and other activities preparing for taught units;
- 56 hours post-unit follow up activities
- 100 hours researching and writing the Research Project Protocol assignment, which includes a literature review, research design and justification, application for ethical review
50 hours Standard online support to facilitate independent learning through the University VLE: additional reading, links to sources of research and session hand-outs, power-point presentations and reading lists. They also use e-mail to communicate with their academic tutor to clarify and discuss issues linked to developing the research protocol and its submission for ethical review

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Student progress is closely monitored throughout the programme, both during and between the 2 taught units, and there are opportunities for formative assessment and pastoral support. Student participation, understanding and achievement are gauged by informal observation and monitoring of contributions to coursework activities and discussions, draft assignments and the tutorial system. During the tutorials (group and individual) students identify a research question and, as the module progresses, the research question is further refined, as students apply and integrate their knowledge of different types of methodological approaches, research strategies and methods, types of data and data analysis. Tutorials also provide students with example-based teaching on how to conduct a literature search and present a literature review; how to prepare and present their projects for ethical approval and how to write a research protocol. This module also provides opportunities for peer review of progress in developing ideas for research, which tutors facilitate, and we are therefore in close touch with how students are progressing.
Each student has an academic support tutor from within the course team delivering the module. As research ideas are firmed up, a research supervisor to work with the student on the final module is identified. This is often not the same person as their academic support tutor, and we encourage supervisors to engage with and support students as they develop their research protocol and application for ethical approval.
As with other modules contributing to the MEd students participate in group and/or individual tutorials and receive on-going individual feedback, usually via e-mail, on coursework assignment drafts. Opportunities for academic writing development consultations are also available. For students who have a declared disability or SLD there is additional consultation to ensure needs are met. Academic tutors are encouraged to raise any concerns they may have concerning student progress with the programme director.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
EssayResearch Protocol 6000 words100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Students are required to pass this assignment in order to pass the module. If they fail, they can resubmit the assignment for a maximum mark of 50.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 02/06/2023 09:11:51


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