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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

MICR2320 Skills for Microbiologists 2

40 creditsClass Size: 35

Module manager: Dr Christopher Randall

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

This module is not approved as a discovery module


This module aims to provide additional training in data collection, experimental techniques relevant to the multi-disciplinary arena of the biological sciences, the analysis of numerical data, problem solving, teamwork and presentation skills.

Learning outcomes
On completion of the module students will:
- acquire practical skills in microbiology, specifically in molecular and medical virology, bacteriology and immunology, especially relating to medically-important organisms;
- be able to reinforce their skills in aseptic technique, microscopy and staining methods, and to expand their knowledge of microscopy (laser scanning) and cell analysis methods such as flow cytometry;
- be able to appreciate how molecular and biochemical methods impact upon microbiological research;
- appreciate the role of bacterial cell structures in susceptibility to antibiotics and other inhibitory substances;
- acquire skills in bioinformatics and statistics and will appreciate the role of bioinformatics in shaping research and the importance of statistics for analysing research data;
- expand their experience of problem-solving and learn how to retrieve research literature from library resources.

At the end of the module, students will be able to use an extended range of laboratory equipment and practical techniques current to biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology and microbiology and be proficient in the design of simple controlled experiments and in the recording, analysis and interpretation of a variety of experimental data. Students should have a sound platform on which to base their final year projects.

Students will also be able to demonstrate a good understanding of the approaches used to study biochemical microbiological and molecular processes, and be proficient in the handling of numerical data and simple mathematical transformations thereof that are commensurate with skills required of undergraduates at Level 2.

Skills outcomes
- Computer and bioinformatic skills
- Data interpretation
- Data and research paper evaluation
- Managing knowledge
- Practical laboratory skills
- Problem solving
- Recording practical data - lab book management
- Report writing.


Students participate in linked tutorials and practical sessions that cover a broad range of microbiology skills, including research skills.
- The practicals include hands-on experience in molecular and medical virology (cell infection, virus handling, purification/analysis of proteins and RNA, antibody staining and gel electrophoresis and DNA restriction methods), molecular and medical bacteriology (antibiotic susceptibility testing, PCR amplification, testing for virulence factors, cell staining and microscopy, and tracer methods), and medical immunology (hypersensitivity studies, flow cytometry).
- Experience in bioinformatic methods is provided through a computer cluster session.
- Tutorial topics may relate to accompanying practicals, providing background information and knowledge in preparation for practical sessions, and/or provide new skills including critical evaluation of a research paper, analysis of experimental data in problem-solving exercises, research literature retrieval from library resources and statistical methods.
- Important aims of the course are to acquaint students with tools used in microbiological research and to reinforce skills in aseptic technique.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours294.00
Total Contact hours106.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)400.00

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

- Semester 1 tutorials.
- Semester 1 GFP practical classes.
- Semester 2: Core practical microbiology classes to ensure sufficient training in molecular biology/virology/medical microbiology.
- Assessments to monitor progress.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
CourseworkGene synthesis assessment (semester one)10.00
PracticalBacteriology practical pro-forma (semester two)5.00
Practical ReportPractical report one (semester one - molecular cloning)10.00
Practical ReportPractical report two (semester one - protein expression and properties of GFP)25.00
EssayData interpretation and research (2000 words - semester two)20.00
Oral Presentation10 minute individual presentation online (semester two)5.00
PracticalImmunology practical pro-forma (semester two)5.00
In-course AssessmentCV and Personal statement (semester one)0.00
Practical ReportPractical report three (semester two - virology lab classes)20.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Owing to the continuous and practical nature of assessments, no resit will be available in August for students who fail the module; students will be required to repeat the module, and all assessed coursework, as an internal candidate.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 14/10/2024 14:00:48


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