This module is discontinued in the selected year. The information shown below is for the academic year that the module was last running in, prior to the year selected.
2021/22 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue
MODL5346M Specialised English-Japanese Translation B
15 creditsClass Size: 15
Module manager: Sara Ramos Pinto
Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable
Year running 2021/22
Pre-requisite qualifications
Students must pass the admissions EN-JP entry-test before they may take this module.Co-requisites
MODL5001M | Methods and Approaches in Translation Studies |
Module replaces
MODL5336MThis module is not approved as an Elective
Module summary
This practice module focused on English to Japanese translation will ensure that students develop high-level translation and revision skills in a variety of texts, genres and domains. In doing so, this modules ensures that students are fully prepared for a successfully career in the translation and localisation industry.The modules offers students practice-based training in a variety of different text-types in two different domains: Creative Translation and Industry Technical Translation. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills in translation, revision/post-editing and source text analysis and experience the roles of translator and revisor/post-editor.Objectives
The main objective of the module is to provide students with specialised translation skills and critical application of translation approaches and theory in order for students to:• Translate confidently from English into Japanese to a professional level in a variety of text types and two key domains
• Analyse the source text in relation to genre, function, publication outlet and audience
• Critically select the most adequate translation strategy in regard to genre and function, publication outlet and requirements of the target audience
• Conduct appropriate research and adequately use available specialised resources
• Critically select and use translation tools and resources applicable to specialised texts
• Edit and revise confidently English into Japanese translations
Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, students should be able to:
1. Identify linguistic features in English and Japanese texts in two key domains.
2. Analyse the source text in relation to genre, function, publication outlet and audience
3. Conduct appropriate research
4. Demonstrate appropriate use of translation resources and tools
5. Identify the most adequate translation strategy and procedures to meet the translation brief
6. Translate confidently up to a professional standard
7. Demonstrate good knowledge of translation strategies and procedures
Skills outcomes
This module will ensure that students develop the necessarily skills to embark on a successful career in the professional translation and localisation industry:
1. Analytical skills: Source text analysis and identification of specific features relating to genre, text type, domain
2. Analytical Skills: consideration of contextual features such as function, publication outlet and audience
3. Research skills
4. Translation skills: identification and use of the most adequate translation strategy and procedures to meet the translation brief
5. Technical skills: appropriate use of translation resources and tools
6. Revision and post-editing skills
This module provides both native and non-native speakers of English with a practical course in high-level written translation from English to Japanese. As preparation for translation work in a professional context, the module presents students with practice in a variety of different text-types in two different domains: Natural & Social Sciences Translation and Business & Finance Translation.
Building on existing language skills and applying insights from translation theory taught in other core modules, students learn how to analyse the source text and produce commercially usable translations. The practical work will cover real industry texts/scenarios and students will learn how to research specialised subjects and consider textual and contextual elements such as genre, purpose and audience. Students will also have the opportunity to develop important revision and editing skills and learn about the role of revisor/editor.
The module is taught by experienced translation tutors and will be delivered through weekly practical sessions, so there is ample opportunity for discussion of the principles underlying effective translation strategies.
Teaching methods
Delivery type | Number | Length hours | Student hours |
Practical | 10 | 2.00 | 20.00 |
Independent online learning hours | 20.00 | ||
Private study hours | 110.00 | ||
Total Contact hours | 20.00 | ||
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits) | 150.00 |
Private study
20 hours online lectures: students are expected to listen to pre-recorded lectures and complete the readings and tasks set as homework60 hours class preparation: students are expected to complete the translations and readings set as homework. This also includes the research time necessary to complete the translation.
25 hours assignment work
25 hours revision
Opportunities for Formative Feedback
Students will receive regular feedback throughout the module. This will include:- oral feedback from tutor and colleagues provided when discussing translation choices and alternative options in class,
- written peer-feedback from colleagues when completing translation and revision homework assignments
- written feedback provided by the tutor in four homework assignments
- written feedback provided to the two summative assessments, one in each of the two domains covered in the module
Methods of assessment
Assessment type | Notes | % of formal assessment |
In-course Assessment | Take Home Translation Test | 50.00 |
In-course Assessment | 2.5 Hours Timed Translation Test | 50.00 |
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework) | 100.00 |
Resits will be completed in the same format as the in-course assessments.
Reading list
There is no reading list for this moduleLast updated: 13/09/2021 14:59:30
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