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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

NUFF5475M International Health Policy: Geneva Study Tour

15 creditsClass Size: 80

Module manager: Mayeh Omar

Taught: 1 Jan to 31 May View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Candidates should have a good degree (1st or 2nd class) preferably in a health related discipline, with at least two years relevant experience.

Pre-requisite modules:
NUFF5315M Foundations of International Health
NUFF5065M Key Issues in International Health
NUFF5105M Policy for Health and Development.

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module will expose post-graduate students to the international health policy environment. They will have the opportunity to visit the World Health organisation (WHO) headquarters in Geneva and other major international organisations (including the United Nations, World Council of Churches, International Hospital Federation, World Vision, Médecins Sans Frontières, International Labour Organisation, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and International Committee of the Red Cross) over five days.Visits will comprise of a combination of lectures, seminars, demonstrations, tours, small group discussion, and individual discussions/interviews. The module will be assessed by a presentation and submission of findings from an assessment of an international health issue/policy.The outline of this project will be discussed and approved by the module leaders before the visit. Two members of staff from the NCIHD (not necessarily the module leaders) will accompany the students on the field trip.In a situation where the Geneva trip is not possible in 2022 (eg due to ongoing/uncertain/late lifting of travel restrictions or prohibitive costs), the module will be offered online as a non-credit bearing module.


On completion of this module, students should be able to:

- describe and analyse the formulation and dissemination of International Health Policy
- critically analyse how international organisations identify, analyse and solve global health issues
- describe the role and functions of the World Health Organisation, including the co-ordinating role of the WHO - Headquarters in Geneva as a secretariat to its members
- investigate and critically analyse a health issue/policy and the contribution of international organisations (UN/NGOs) in addressing the issue/policy
- communicate and interact with technical staff working in international organisations
- critically analyse current research and development for public health interventions and health systems strengthening.

Learning outcomes
The knowledge outcome for this module will include:

- The role of international organisations as an advocate for health at a global level, including its activities in health research, knowledge transfer and information dissemination.
- The role and functions of international organisations in health policy formulation, implementation and evaluation.
- The mechanisms and systems that are used by international organisations to address global health issues.
- The role of WHO as a secretariat to member states, its structure and functions.
- Methods for assessing a health issue/policy from an international perspective.
- Methods for analysing current research and development in public health and health systems strengthening to apply to national health programmes or health systems.

Skills outcomes
Subject specific skills include:
- Methods for analysis of international health issues/policies.
- Collaboration in a team.
- Diplomacy in dealing with technical staff working in international organisations.


The syllabus for this module will include the following approach and activities:
- The field trip will be presented at the start of the programmes and students will be expected to choose the module with sufficient time to allow for making travel arrangements. Support will be provided by administrative staff.
- Teaching sessions will be provided before the field trip to outline the role and functions of international organisations in global health.
- Each student will select a topic of interest to analyse its relevance to their own country situation. They will be required to submit an outline of their project which will be approved by the module leaders.
- The field trip will run for five days during which a pre-arranged programme of visits, lectures and seminars will be offered.
- Students will have the opportunity to make individual contact s with technical staff from various international organisations to discuss their projects for this module as well as for their programme dissertations.
- On return from Geneva students will be required to submit and present their findings (for assessment) of the health issue/policy they analysed during the visit.

In a situation where the Geneva trip is not possible in 2022 (eg due to ongoing/uncertain/late lifting of travel restrictions or prohibitive costs), the module will be offered online as a non-credit bearing module.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Preparation Class40.502.00
Class tests, exams and assessment13.003.00
Group learning102.0020.00
Independent online learning hours12.00
Private study hours67.00
Total Contact hours71.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)150.00

Private study

- Reading information obtained during the field trip
- Discussions with students and academic staff
- Follow-up communication with technical staff from international organisations
- Online learning of international organisation websites (publications etc).

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Student progress will be monitored through the following activities:
- Comments from the module leaders on proposed topics for analysis before the field trip.
- During the field trip attendance will be monitored for all pre-arranged lectures, seminars, tours.
- Regular feedback and discussion sessions will provide group learning and guidance.
- Academic staff, who accompany students will track and encourage questions from participants to technical staff during pre-arranged sessions.
- Academic staff will be available to discuss with participants and help identify individuals in international organisations to meet.
- On return from Geneva participants will have a question and answer session on the requirements for assessment with module leaders.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
PresentationVerbal presentation: 10 minutes + 5 minutes discussion50.00
Poster Presentation1, 250 words50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

The presentation will be assessed by 2 teachers using the following criteria: - Abstract (concise summary of presentation) - 10% - Coherence (clear introduction, overview and flow) - 10% - Involvement of audience (interesting slides, attracting attention) - 10% - Logical analysis of topic (link between global issue, policy and country situation) - 10 % - Response to questions and comments (convincing and clear) - 10 % A representative sample of the presentations will be videotaped for the external examiner. Posters will be assessed using the following criteria: - Structure and referencing content (well organised and related parts, single topic focus, correct referencing) - 10% - Content (clear title, main points included, ideas clearly expressed, use of literature and evidence from visit) - 30% - Design and presentation (creative layout and design, quality of graphics used, consistent and clear word processing using power point) - 10%

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:15:43


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