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2023/24 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

OENG5202M Decision Making for Engineering Managers

15 creditsClass Size: 150

Module manager: Ian Fouweather

Taught: 1 Jan to 28 Feb, 1 Jan to 28 Feb (adv year) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

Students will have met the entry criteria for the Online MSc in Engineering Management

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

Decision making is a key management function. Participants will obtain an understanding of the thinking processes that underlie their own and others’ judgement and decision making in individual and group decision making situations. Participants will gain knowledge processes of operations, risk and quality management and learn to recognise the judgmental errors and decision biases that commonly arise, and strategies for improving decision making within areas of operations, risk and quality management.


The objective of this module is to provide Engineering Managers with the knowledge, skills and tools they need to be able to make appropriate decisions when faced with complex and uncertain situations that demand analysis, careful judgement and leadership.

Learning outcomes
Upon completion of this module students will be able to critically evaluate:

1. the thinking processes which underlie participants own and others’ judgement and decision making, including System thinking and different types of errors / biases in human judgement/decision making and ways in which these can be overcome
2. the understanding of the processes and selected techniques of operations, quality and risk management
3. the use of structured decision aids designed to improve the quality of human decision making and ways to implement them within information context in areas of operations, quality and risk management
4. individual and cultural differences and styles of decision making

Skills outcomes
Upon completion of this module students will be able to:

- Use decision making concepts and language to reflect upon and evaluate their own thinking/decision making processes and those of others around them
- make effective individual decisions and influence decision making in groups
- understand processes and selected tools of operations, risk and quality management


Introduction to organizational decision making, judgements, forecasts and probabilities.

System thinking, prospect theory, heuristics and biases and ways of improving judgements.

Decision framing and structured decision-making tools.

Engineering Decision Making in the context of quality, cost and speed and the balancing of opportunities and risks .

Data Driven Decision Making and the use of Technology in Decision making.

Group decision making and Negotiations

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
On-line Learning71.007.00
Discussion forum61.006.00
Independent online learning hours28.00
Private study hours109.00
Total Contact hours13.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)150.00

Private study

Independent online learning refers to non-facilitated directed learning. Students will work through bespoke interactive learning resources and reflective activities in the VLE.

Private study refers to directed reading and self-directed research in support of learning activities and discussions, as well as in preparation for assessments.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Online learning materials will provide regular opportunity for students to check their understanding (for example through formative MCQs with automated feedback). Regular group activity embedded into learning will allow self and peer assessment providing opportunities for formative feedback from peers and tutors. Students will have an opportunity to submit a draft plan of their essay (Primary Assessment) in weeks 4 and 5, therefore receiving formative feedback on their planned essay from the tutor.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay3000 word assignment90.00
Reflective log500 word summary of weekly reflective log10.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Resit format: failure on coursework would require students to attempt another question on the main assignment outline.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 28/04/2023 14:57:09


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