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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

OSSP5102M Disability and Inclusion

15 creditsClass Size: 120

Module manager: Professor Roger Slee

Taught: 1 Jan to 28 Feb, 1 Jan to 28 Feb (adv year), 1 Jul to 31 Aug View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Students are required to meet the programme entry requirements prior to studying the module.

Module replaces


This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module introduces students to the nature and lived experience of exclusion and principles and practices of inclusion in contemporary global contexts. Taking as its starting point the concepts of belonging, community, equality and inequality, and justice it considers the differing ways exclusion impacts different population cohorts with a particular focus on disability. This module provides a foundational knowledge for identifying, resisting, and challenging barriers for disabled people and for building theories and practices of inclusion.


This foundational module provides a theoretical understanding of social inclusion as a basis for building more inclusive cultures, institutions and communities for disabled people. Students will examine the nature and operation of exclusion and inclusion in contemporary global contexts and how they are experienced, understood and explained by a variety of actors. The aim of this module is to build students’ understanding of the structures and cultures of exclusion and its manifestation as disablism as a precursor to establishing key principles and practices of inclusion. Students will develop a critical awareness of the range of contexts in which exclusion occurs, and its implications for disabled people.

Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module students will be able to:

1. Recognise interdisciplinary theoretical explanations of the structures and cultures of exclusion in different global contexts.
2. Apply these theoretical foundations to explain manifestations of disablement and exclusion in different social and institutional contexts.
3. Investigate and critically analyse disability exclusion in differing contexts.
4. Develop and form an applied understanding of the principles of inclusion for disabled people.
5. Apply these principles in designing responses to pervasive and specific exclusions.
6. Communicate knowledge and ideas effectively in accessible and inclusive ways.


By introducing the work of researchers and activists a range of key social theorists and disability researchers and activists, this foundational module provides the conceptual tools for identifying and deconstructing structures and cultures of exclusion in general and its particular manifestations of disablism. Working with key sociological thinkers such as Bauman, Sennett, Touraine, and Castells, it will focus on the political economy of marginalisation for vulnerable population cohorts by applying a range of transdisciplinary analytic frames. This will provide the platform to enable students to build robust theoretical, policy and practice frameworks for inclusion for disabled people.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
On-line Learning61.006.00
Discussion forum62.0012.00
Independent online learning hours42.00
Private study hours90.00
Total Contact hours18.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)150.00

Private study

Independent online learning refers to non-facilitated directed learning. Students will work through bespoke interactive learning resources and reflective activities in the VLE.

Private study refers to directed reading and other activities including self-directed research in support of learning activities and discussions, as well as in preparation for and production of assessments.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

The module’s digital learning materials provide regular opportunities for students to check their understanding and gain feedback e.g., case studies with short answer questions and automated feedback.

The webinars and discussion forums provide opportunities for formative feedback from peers and tutors.

The inclusive design plan will enable student progress to be monitored and summative feedback provided.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
ReportUDL options for submission see below*100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Students produce an inclusive design plan on a specific social setting or context. *Students can select to submit this assessment as either: a/ Written report (3,000 word limit) b/ Presentation (20 minute recorded presentation or script 3,000 words, with or without PowerPoint or alternative). NB this has been designed to reduce the requirement for individual reasonable adjustments.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 06/08/2024


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