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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

OSSP5200M Building Enabling Futures

15 creditsClass Size: 120

Module manager: Dr Hannah Morgan

Taught: 1 Mar to 30 Apr, 1 Mar to 30 Apr (2mth)(adv yr) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Students are required to meet the programme entry requirements prior to studying the module.


OSSP5100MDisability and Inequality
OSSP5101MUnderstanding Disability
OSSP5102MDisability and Inclusion

Module replaces


This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

This module equips students with knowledge and skills to engage critically with the ways in which governments and other civil society actors have sought to meet the needs of disabled people and to evaluate the implications of this for disabled people’s lives, individually and collectively. It provides the opportunity for students to investigate and explore disabled people’s responses to the disability business and the disabling state have been highly influential in changing ideas about what appropriate and effective services and other forms of provision are. In particular, the articulation of Independent Living as the aspiration of the disabled people’s movement has created a powerful challenge to existing policies and practices. This module will explore how this challenge has been embraced, resisted or appropriated in different contexts and spaces.


This module examines the different policy and professional practice responses to the ‘problem’ of disability which governments and civil society actors have long sought to address or remedy. The module introduces students to the special, segregated and normalising forms of provision designed and enacted by professions for disabled people. This will enable students to develop a critical awareness of the evolution of the disability business and disabled state globally. There is a specific focus on the role disabled people and their allies have played as change-makers through resistance and innovation at local, national and supra-national levels.

In particular, the module will examine (a) the articulation and application of independent living as a concept, a philosophy and a practice, (b) methods of user involvement, participation and control and (c) the activism of disabled people and allies.

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an advanced knowledge and understanding of the ways in which policy and practice has sought to address the ‘problem’ of disability
2. Identify and articulate the critiques of policy and practice developed by disabled people and disability studies
3. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the ways in which Independent Living has been articulated and applied by the disabled people’s movement, in public policy, in professional practices and in services for disabled people, and the implications of this
4. Critically consider the role of professionals and practitioners in disabling and enabling disabled people individually and collectively
5. Communicate knowledge and ideas effectively in accessible and inclusive ways


This module considers the ways in which the contemporary disability business and disabled state has sought to address the ‘problem’ of disability and disabled people’s critiques of these policies and practices. It considers some of the different approaches and ethos that inform the development and implementation of disability policy and service provision in various geographic and policy spaces and of disabled people’s individual and collective resistance of disabling processes. There is a particular focus on the development of Independent Living as a concept, a philosophy and a practice and the influence it has had on disability policy and professional practice.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
On-line Learning61.006.00
Discussion forum62.0012.00
Independent online learning hours42.00
Private study hours90.00
Total Contact hours18.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)150.00

Private study

Independent online learning refers to non-facilitated directed learning. Students will work through bespoke interactive learning resources and reflective activities in the VLE.

Private study refers to directed reading and other activities including self-directed research in support of learning activities and discussions, as well as in preparation for and production of assessments.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

The module’s digital learning materials provide regular opportunities for students to check their understanding and gain feedback eg case studies with short answer questions and automated feedback.

The webinars and discussion forums provide opportunities for formative feedback from peers and tutors.

Scaffolding exercises are incorporated into select units, with these exercises designed to specifically help students work on, reflect and progress with the module assessment.

The development of a critical analysis will enable student progress to be monitored and summative feedback provided.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:18:46


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