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2024/25 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

PECI5105M Creative Work

30 creditsClass Size: 30

Module manager: Dr Amelia Knowlson

Taught: Semester 2 (Jan to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

This module is not approved as an Elective

Module summary

Creative work is vital to contemporary economies as a driver of economic, social and cultural value. This module explores the contexts in which creative work happens, and how these workers are affected by issues such as technological change and precarious working conditions.


Through case studies and primary research, this module engages with critical debates about the conditions of labour in the cultural and creative industries, and its social, political, technological and economic contexts.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module, students should be able to:-

1. Identify key cultural, economic and social contexts impacting creative work
2. Critically engage with specific issues affecting creative workers.
3. Apply relevant academic theories and concepts to specific examples and cases of creative work.

Skills Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the module students will have demonstrated the following skills learning outcomes:
1. Present critical arguments for a defined audience
2. Identifying and evaluating appropriate sources to support discussion about creative and cultural labour


In this module students will address debates about creative work and how these relate to changing cultural, economic and social contexts through lectures form academic staff and industry practitioners. Topics may include the exploration of the conditions of creative work such as motivation, renumeration, job security and legal rights.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours277.00
Total Contact hours23.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)300.00

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Students will receive 2 - 30 minute group tutorials on the content and mode of delivery of their digital recording assessment.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
AssignmentPresentation approx. 30minutes100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Resits will take the form of an individual presentation that includes a wider exploration of the theories and debates related to their selected theme

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 13/03/2024


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