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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

SLSP9001 Study Abroad

120 creditsClass Size: 30

Module manager: Dr Hizer Mir

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24

Pre-requisite qualifications

240 credits including core modules and options/electives at levels 1 and 2 passed with an average of 60. All applications for Study Abroad are provisional on this basis until the final UG Level 2 summer exam board held in June Semester 2.

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

Students can spend an exciting academic year abroad in a wide range of institutions worldwide. The School runs a very popular Erasmus exchange programme with afew universities in Europe. Just like the University and the School's international links, the Study Abroad programme is growing all the time. It provides an exciting opportunity to enhance skills for life and employment, and to internationalize sociological and social policy knowledge.


- to introduce students to a new learning experience
- to allow for new cultural experiences
- to allow for the internationalization of relevant disciplinary understanding
- to foster initiative
- to enhance transferable skills
- to enhance employability.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this module students should:
-be familiar with academic debates circulating within their core area of study in their country of exchange.
- be able to understand the significance of these debates to their knowledge and learning in UK sociology/social policy.
-be able to appreciate the importance of developing comparative knowledge of sociology/social policy.
- be familiar with a different socio-political context and its relationship to the developments of distinctive sociological/social policy knowledge.
-be able to recognise the distinctiveness of UK sociology/social policy as a culturally specific form of sociological/social policy knowledge.

Skills outcomes
- Oral skills
- written skills
- initiative
- cross cultural awareness
- social skills
- confidence.


This programme allows students to spend their third year of their degree programme at a designated University abroad. Courses will be approved by the School's Study Abroad Coordinator for the programme and a Learning Contract will be drawn up covering academic requirements.

- Teaching and Private Study will vary according to the receiving institution but will total 1200 hours;
- Transcript of marks is provided but they do not count towards the final degree classification;
- Study Abroad year is assessed on a pass/fail basis. The Learning Contract for study abroad states that 100 (minimum)/120 (maximum) credits must be passed but these do not count towards the final degree classification.

Methods of assessment will vary according to regulations of host institution - transcripts from host institution will be provided.

For further details on how to apply for the Study Abroad module please contact the School's Study Abroad Coordinator.

Teaching methods

Private study hours1,200.00
Total Contact hours0.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)1,200.00

Private study

500 hours research, reading and preparation for learning as directed by host institution
500 hours preparation for assessment as directed by host institution
200 hours planning for participation in learning as directed by host institution.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

The Study Abroad Coordinator, is in contact with outgoing students periodically during their year abroad to monitor progress and check the programme of study abroad at the host institution continues to fall within the parameters of the Learning Contract agreed on departure.

Students are required to contact the Study Abroad Coordinator at least once per semester whilst abroad to confirm the details of their programme of study. If, upon arrival at the host institution, the students have to change their initial programme of study, they are required to seek the approval of the Study Abroad Coordinator for the new modules and obtain his/her signature for the amendments in the programme by email as soon as possible.

Students are also expected to attend re-entry meetings with the Study Abroad Coordinator on their return. These involve an opportunity to debrief and feedback about student experiences on year abroad. They also involve an opportunity to ensure that all aspects of their transition to the final year of study in Leeds have been considered, including issues such as dissertation tutor allocation, and module enrolment.

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 28/04/2023 14:51:53


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