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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

SOEE3030 Environmental Research Project

40 creditsClass Size: 160

Module manager: Piroska Lorinczi

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25


SOEE2570Research in the Environmental Social Sciences
SOEE2701Fieldwork and Tutorials 2

This module is not approved as a discovery module


On completion of this module students will have developed original subject-specific knowledge in their chosen area, and written it up in the form of a research-based dissertation. They should be in a position to contribute to related critical debate. They should be able: to recognise and use subject-specific theories, paradigms, concepts and principles; to analyse, synthesise and summarise information critically; to collect and integrate several lines of evidence, either to formulate and test hypothesis, or to use within other recognised research instruments; to recognise any moral and ethical issues relevant to their subject of research and recognise the need for professional codes of conduct, where appropriate, to draw meaningful generalisations and implications from their specific findings; to plan conduct and report on an original investigation; to undertake field, laboratory or other practical investigations in a responsible and safe manner; to reference other work appropriately; to communicate their finds effectively in written form. In addition students will have developed further skills in self-management (working independently, time management and organisational skills), in working towards academic targets, and in adopting a flexible approach to study and work.

Methods of assessment:
There are 3 items to be submitted for this module, all must be submitted to pass the module. The dissertation document itself will be assessed and contribute towards the final module mark. A poster presentation and dissertation progress report must be submitted and these will provide formative feedback on the progression of the dissertation. Failure to submit all three items will result in a student failing the module.

Risk Assessment:
"Risk Assessments are crucial to the health and safety of fieldtrips and help to ensure that the University fulfils its duty of care to protect staff, students and other affected people. If you wish to undertake independent field or lab work you must complete a risk assessment form in conjunction with your academic supervisor before embarking on such work. Failure to complete a risk assessment form BEFORE you undertake independent fieldwork means that you are contravening General University Disciplinary Regulations and may as a consequence face disciplinary action. Data collected without an approved risk assessment is inadmissible for credit and dissertations that contain such material will be marked at zero."

Skills outcomes
The module places considerable emphasis on:
- recognising and using subject-specific theories, paradigms, concepts and principles;
- analysing, synthesising and summarising information critically, including prior research;
- collecting and integrating several lines of evidence to formulate and test hypotheses;
- applying knowledge and understanding to address familiar and unfamiliar problems;
- recognising the moral and ethnical issues of investigations and appreciating the need for professional codes of conduct;
- planning, conducting and reporting on investigations, including the use of secondary data;
- collecting, recording and analysing data using appropriate techniques in the field and laboratory;
- undertaking field and laboratory investigations in a responsible and safe manner, paying due attention to risk assessment, rights of access, relevant health and safety regulations, and sensitivity to the impact of investigations on the environment and stakeholders;
- referencing work in an appropriate manner;
- developing the skills necessary for self-managed and lifelong learning (eg working independently, time management and organisation skills);
- identifying and working towards targets for personal, academic and career development;
- developing an adaptable and flexible approach to study and work.

The module places moderate emphasis on:
- receiving and responding to a variety of information sources (eg textual numerical, verbal, graphical);
- communicating appropriately to a variety of audiences in written, verbal and graphical form.


Individual research programme on an approved topic. For each individual student the topic must be specifically commensurate with the title of their degree programme. Topic formulation; background reading; methodology; empirical evidence; analysis; findings; evaluation.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Poster session13.003.00
Private study hours354.00
Total Contact hours46.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)400.00

Private study

NB The average field / lab work time for the project is 30 hours.
Project work: 354 hours

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Via advisory sessions with project supervisor, including formal check on milestones (topic formulation and progress report), and general advice on draft extracts.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay or Dissertation12,000 word written dissertation100.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 29/04/2024 16:20:31


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