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2021/22 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

SPPO2680 Modern Spain (1868-1975)

20 creditsClass Size: 27

Module manager: Dr Gregorio Alonso

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2021/22

Pre-requisite qualifications

Successful completion of Level 1 in BA programmes with Spanish.

Pre-Requisite Modules:
Either SPPO1010 Pract Lang Skills in Spanish 1
Or SPPO1091 Pre-Intermediate Spanish Language (A2 of the CEFR)
Or equivalent

This module is mutually exclusive with

SPPO2681Modern Spain (1868-1975)

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

From the end of Empire in 1898 up to the consolidation of democracy, sealed with the approval of the constitution of 1978, Spain had much in common with its European neighbours. A key turning point was the victory of the Fascist forces in 1939, and the ensuing long Franco dictatorship. During the period under study processes of industrialization, secularization, nation(s)-building and state-power consolidation unfolded unevenly and accelerated. The module examines the core historical moments that shaped Modern Spain and focus on the social transformations that took place in the long twentieth century prior to the democratic transition that started with the death of the dictator in 1975.


Students will examine the most salient political, cultural and social dimensions of Modern Spain. They will acquire and develop knowledge of the process of socioeconomic, institutional and ideological modernization of Spain after 1868 until the end of Franco's dictatorship.

By means of lectures, seminar presentation and debates and assessed written work, they will be able to build upon the academic and transferable skills studied at Level 1.

The module also comprises sessions devoted to language use and awareness in historical contexts.

Learning outcomes
The ability to:
1. examine a specific historical period through the lens of literary, cultural and historiographical representation;
2. engage critically with those representations by means of a variety of theoretical tools, such as discourse analysis and social and cultural critical theory;
3. be able to discuss and critically examine phenomena such as nationalism, secularization and the politics of gender, both in writing and in seminars in a competent and informed manner.

Skills outcomes
The ability to:
-Be familiar with historiographic schools and methods
-Read and examine primary sources
-Reflect critically on and build up historical account and
-Compare and contrast historiographic interpretations of Modern Spain


The syllabus will typically include the following elements:
1. Monarchy and the end of the Empire: 1898 and beyond
2. The crisis of oligarchic Liberalism
3. Nation, Region and Locality
4. Catholicism, dissent, and anticlericalism.
5. Working-class cultures and anarchism
6. Not only men: the politics and cultures of gender
7. Ferocious Spain: violence, exclusion, and suppression
8. Ordinary Spaniards: grey areas and consensus
9. Spain, Europe, and the Americas.
10. Political leadership and social mobilization in the recovery of democracy

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Private study hours170.00
Total Contact hours30.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Private study

All participants will need to familiarise themselves with primary sources that are written in Spanish. The teaching team will thus choose and work along with students on some short passages and excepts from a variety of documents (political speeches, legislation, the press,… etc). Students will discuss and debate their findings in the practical sessions of this module, which encompass this section of “learning language in historical context” with the aim of diversifying and reinforcing current SPLAS teaching offer. Therefore participants will need to read historical materials provided before hand in their homes or at the library.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Informal oral feedback in lectures and seminars. Guidance and supervision in essay planning and sourcing by as requested appointment or/and in office hours. Written feedback on semester one essays. Group feedback sessions in first week of semester two.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay2,500 words50.00
Essay2,500 words50.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

The resit for the group presentation component would be an individual presentation

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 08/11/2021


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