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2023/24 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

XJME3496 Thermofluids 3

20 creditsClass Size: 100

Module manager: Dr Junfeng Yang

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2023/24


XJME1215Thermofluids 1
XJME1520Engineering Mathematics
XJME2670Thermofluids 2

This module is mutually exclusive with

MECH3790Aerodynamics and Aerospace Propulsion

This module is not approved as a discovery module


On completion of this module, students will have extended the foundation thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, developed in earlier years, to cover more advanced concepts and applications. Students will be able to investigate the effects of the major operating parameters controlling the performances of various energy-converting engines that include all of the principal, combustion powered, gas and steam power-plants in common use. Also students will be able to analyse refrigeration and vapour compression systems. Fluid mechanics will be extended to include high speed fluid mechanics and compressible flow. This will be illustrated through examples of aeronautical applications.

Learning outcomes
After successfully completing this module, students will:
1. have developed understanding of the thermodynamic concepts necessary to understand and interpret thermodynamic cycles
2. have gained skills in analysing a significant number of practical and ideal cycles power and cooling cycles involving air, steam and refrigerants
3. understand all aspects of aerospace propulsion including; supersonic aerodynamics, aero piston engines, gas turbine engines, ramjet, scramjet and rocket engines
4. be able to use engineering reasoning to critically access the advantages and disadvantages of the various cycles and engines
Upon successful completion of this module the following UK-SPEC learning outcome descriptors are satisfied:
A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles and methodology necessary to underpin their education in their engineering discipline, and an understanding and know-how of the scientific principles of related disciplines, to enable appreciation of the scientific and engineering context, and to support their understanding of relevant historical, current and future developments and technologies (SM1m)
Knowledge and understanding of mathematical and statistical methods necessary to underpin their education in their engineering discipline and to enable them to apply a range of mathematical and statistical methods, tools and notations proficiently and critically in the analysis and solution of engineering problems (SM2m)
Ability to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of other engineering disciplines to support study of their own engineering discipline and the ability to evaluate them critically and to apply them effectively (SM3m)
Awareness of developing technologies related to mechanical engineering (SM4m)
A comprehensive knowledge and understanding of mathematical and computational models relevant to the engineering discipline, and an appreciation of their limitations (SM5m)
Understanding of engineering principles and the ability to apply them to undertake critical analysis of key engineering processes (EA1m)
Ability to identify, classify and describe the performance of systems and components through the use of analytical methods and modelling techniques (EA2)
Ability to apply quantitative and computational methods, using alternative approaches and understanding their limitations, in order to solve engineering problems and implement appropriate action (EA3m)
Knowledge of characteristics of particular equipment, processes or products, with extensive knowledge and understanding of a wide range of engineering materials and components (P2m)
Ability to apply relevant practical and laboratory skills (P3)
Apply their skills in problem solving, communication, information retrieval, working with others and the effective use of general IT facilities (G1)

Skills outcomes
In addition to providing a firm foundation in the subject, this module develops the analytical and problem solving skills.


Semester 1
Analysis of cyclic processes. Carnot cycle.
Air-standard cycles: Otto, Diesel and Joule cycle. Indicated and brake mean effective parameters.
Steam power cycles: Rankine cycle and its practical implementations. Combined gas-vapour cycles.
Practical engines: reciprocal spark and diesel ignition engines and gas turbines.
Steam Turbines
Refrigeration: vapour compression cycle, practical implementations and effects of refrigerant, psychrometry.

Semester 2
Advanced thermodynamic applications.
Review of basic gas dynamic theories: adiabatic and isentropic flows, stagnation and static properties, international standard atmosphere, conservation laws (mass momentum, energy) steady flow processes and frames of reference.
Introduction to steady two-dimensional supersonic flow: planar and oblique shock waves, expansion waves.
Practical applications relating to aerospace propulsion systems including design considerations and fundamental performance analyses.
Gas Turbine Engines: Ideal and real cycle analysis of pure turbojets, turbofans, turboshafts including sub and supersonic intakes and nozzles, principles of turbomachinery, bleed air flows, afterburners and component design considerations.
Aero piston Engines: IC engine cycle analysis, momentum theory for propeller analysis.
Ramjets and scramjets.
Rocket Engines
Propulsion integration: Intake distortion, Interference drag.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Example Class91.009.00
Private study hours150.00
Total Contact hours50.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Private study

The time comprises the preparation of the assessed coursework, approximately 15-20 hours; preparation for the final examination and independent learning.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

An ample provision of the problem sets for an independent study and unassessed class test mid-way through the course

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
In-course AssessmentAssessed example sets20.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)40.00

Resit exam or coursework offered depending on which component was failed.

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Unseen exam 2 hr 60.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)60.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 28/04/2023 14:55:01


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