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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

ARCS3277 Pathophysiology and Diagnostic Pattern Recognition

20 creditsClass Size: 70

Module manager: Lucy Hammond

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25

Pre-requisite qualifications

Successful completion of year 2 of relevant programme


ARCS2145Anatomy, Physiology and Associated Pattern Recognition

Module replaces


This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

ARCS 3277 Pathophysiology and Diagnostic Pattern Recognition provides the student with detailed information with respect to aspects to consider when evaluating radiographs for pathology. The student will develop an understanding of the manifestation of pathology and the subsequent presentation on diagnostic images. This will be demonstrated through the application the pathophysiological process in critically evaluating diagnostic images for pathology. This module will provided the student with the underpinning skills required for preliminary image evaluation that will be undertaken in the Professional Practice III.The interpretation of the radiographic image and detailed anatomical knowledge forms an essential part of the radiographer's role. It is with this in mind that a series of modules have been incorporated into the programme from level 1 to level 3 to allow the student to develop their knowledge, understanding and analytical skills throughout the three years on the programme. This final year module has the focus away from anatomy and onto pathological changes.


This aim of this is to consolidate the image interpretation skills developed at levels 1 and 2 and provide the student with the skills required of a newly qualified radiographer. Furthermore the module will enable the student to discuss various pathological processes in relation to normal homeostatic processes; discuss the aetiology and disease process for a range of common conditions relevant to clinical practice; and critically review contemporary approaches to treatment for the selected common conditions. These will allow the student to integrate their understanding about pathological processes with the pattern changes visualised on radiographic images.

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module the student will be able to :

1. Discuss factors involved in radiographic pattern recognition
2. Critically evaluate radiographs for radiological demonstration of pathology and injury
3. Discuss the radiographers contribution to the patients pathway
4. Identify the appropriate differential diagnosis for selected common diseases and conditions
5. Discuss the aetiology, pathogenesis and associated pathophysiology of selected common diseases and conditions relevant to clinical practice
6. Describe the specific cellular disruptions that underpin the development of selected diseases and conditions
7. Critically review contemporary approaches to treatment and clinical guidelines associated with the management of selected diseases and conditions

Skills outcomes
Students will acquire skills in the interpretation of selected medical images and the ability to attribute the related pathology and pathophysiology to critically appraise the significance of the medical images. Furthermore the requirement to critically review contemporary approaches to treatment will provide the students with a holistic approach of patient management allowing them to have a greater understanding of their professions contribution to the patient journey.


Decision making, differential diagnosis, Limitations and confidence, Patterns of disease and deviation from normality, Principles of Pattern Recognition and Report Writing, influences on image interpretation, Presentation of skeletal pathology, Chest and Abdominal on medical images. Overview of homeostasis and principles of pathological processes. Clinical manifestation of diseases and specific pathophysiology in relation to bone diseases; neoplasm; cardiovascular diseases; respiratory diseases; genito-urinary diseases and gastrointestinal conditions. Contemporary management and treatment of selected diseases and conditions

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
On-line Learning11.001.00
Private study hours151.00
Total Contact hours49.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Private study

The 151 hours private study that has been allocated to you for this module is to enable you to prepare and supplement your notes for this module, as well as complete the workbooks associated with this module and allow you to prepare and undertake your assessment. The breakdown of hours for the activities identified is as follows:

80 hours reading/ writing up notes
10 hours negotiated tutorials
10 hours Wiki preparation
51 hours assessment preparation (8 of which should be used to identify appropriate images for use.)

Please note that the above hours are a guideline and you may require additional time for the activities.

Students will be allocated to seminar groups to consider a specific topic and a series of questions, the answers to which the students will research and obtain from appropriate research papers. The students will produce a Wiki which they will present and which can be accessed by all students. For the remaining private study hours students will be engaged in preparation before the lectures, reading, writing up notes and preparing for the assessment. Individual tutorials for academic supervision are included in the private study hours.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

During the module the student will be required to undertake course work. This will help develop your learning and prepare you for the summative assessment. This will take the form of:

Tutorials: - The tutorials are designed to help students with identifying problem areas and providing students with a structured approach to aid their understanding of the topics covered. For these sessions to be of use it is important that the student takes an active part in identifying areas of difficulty a couple of weeks prior to the scheduled tutorial.

Presentation Image and case for reviews
For both these sessions the student will be required to submit images prior to the session for discussion by the whole class

Presentation image review
This session is designed to allow the student to discuss the images that they intend to submit for your assignment. The session is designed to provide the student with formative feedback and allow for discussion to occur as to why they have chosen these images and what are considered to be the important features demonstrated.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Essay2500 words60.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)60.00

The summative assessment consists of two components an 2500 word essay and an OSCE . The 2500 word essay contributes 60% of the marks for the module and the OSCE contributes the other 40%. There is full compensation between the two components with an overall mark of 40 requiring to be achieved for the two.

Exam typeExam duration% of formal assessment
Online Time-Limited assessment24 hr 00 mins40.00
Total percentage (Assessment Exams)40.00

This assessment allows the students to be examined on their depth of knowledge as well as breadth of knowledge about disease processes, pathophysiological alterations and treatment approaches for a self-selected condition and for the students to relate these to the interpretation of plain film radiographic images. The essay will assist in the development of critical analysis, critical interpretation of scientific evidence and literature searching skills. The examination is an online open book exam. The format of this assessment is subject to change due to restrictions imposed by Covid-19; the assessment will continue to meet the learning outcomes and the PSRB requirements.

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 16/08/2024


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