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2022/23 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

ARTF5551M Studio Practice

60 creditsClass Size: 12

Module manager: Dr Cesar Cornejo

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2022/23

Pre-requisite qualifications

A 2:1 degree in Fine Art or other practice-based subject or relevant work experience.

Module replaces


This module is not approved as an Elective


To engage with a wide variety of practical and theoretical concerns in the production, distribution and criticism of art work;
To develop critical and analytic skills and integrate/use these skills in the production of works of art;
To be encouraged to experiment practically and reflect critically on that practice;
To engage in the knowing integration of the critical and historical reflection on art with the production of art;
To produce a body of work for assessment at the completion of semester together with related documentation in relevant media.

Learning outcomes
- The module will inculcate the integrated study of the practice and theory of visual art understood as comprising a broad range of media and techniques.
- Students elaborate and synthesise their existing skills/competences through the analysis and production of their work.
- The module provides the resources and learning context necessary to assess and critically evaluate theories of visual representations, an integral part of the production of practical work in fine art.
- It aims to provide the basis for future professional art practice, curatorial
engagement and/or academic research at a higher level.

Skills outcomes
The module is designed to equip the students with skills appropriate to
the sustaining of a critically informed and theoretically underpinned professional Fine Art practice. Appropriate critical and technical skills
and methodologies are developed continuously throughout the
programme. Students develop abilities to communicate concerns, and
define objectives and achievements relative to professional art practice through presentations and a series of short written supporting texts.


Students follow a minimum of 3 days in the studios engaged in the development and production of a body of work running in parallel with a series of studio-led seminars on the relationship and development of contemporary art practice, theory and criticism. Tutors give specific tuition and monitor progress through group criticism sessions as well as in individual tutorials; practical work can engage in a broad range of media, techniques and concepts within fine art practice. Students are encouraged to develop their own projects in consultation with studio staff supplemented by a programme of seminars, visiting speakers, artists and fine art professionals together with film/video screenings where appropriate. Students are encouraged to visit exhibitions, performances and other related events throughout the period.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Induction Session43.0012.00
Studio Crit53.0015.00
Private study hours537.00
Total Contact hours63.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)600.00

Private study

- The majority of private study and independent learning hours will be studio-based, developing ideas and formalising projects.
- Independent learning will also include enrolling for specialist workshop inductions as and when available and appropriate to the individual’s work.
- Students will be expected to make regular visits to galleries and events nationally.
- Students will prepare a Project Plan at the beginning and a Position Statement at the end of the module.

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Regular tutorials and group critiques throughout the module period culminating with a final assessment in January (FT) or June (PT) comprising a submission of studio work and any other relevant documentary/supporting material (100%). In addition, students are required to produce 3 written texts at different stages of the module: Project Plan (Week 1), Seminar Review (Week 8) and a Position Statement (January assessment deadline).

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
AssignmentProject Plan- 500-1,000 words0.00
AssignmentPosition Statement- max. 1,000 words0.00
Written WorkSeminar review- 2,000- 3,000 words0.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 04/08/2022


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