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2024/25 Undergraduate Module Catalogue

BMSC1302 Team-Based Solutions for Local Challenges in Human Sciences

20 creditsClass Size: 300

Module manager: Dr Alexandra Holmes

Taught: Semesters 1 & 2 (Sep to Jun) View Timetable

Year running 2024/25


BMSC1303Practical application of Clinical, Laboratory and Field Skil

Module replaces

BMSC1301, SPSC1211

This module is not approved as a discovery module

Module summary

This module will provide students with the opportunity to address a current human health-related challenge in a facilitated team-based environment. These challenges will relate to each students’ specific programme of study (Neuroscience, Sports and Exercise Science, Pharmacology, Human Physiology, Physical Activity and Health, or Biomedical Science) and facilitate the development of core skills necessary to address the challenge. Challenges tackled and skills gained will align with taught content in other first-year modules.


This module provides students with the skills essential to succeed within the university environment and be effective within the workplace after graduation. These skills are developed through disciplinary and interdisciplinary team-based projects that address challenges to human health. These objectives are achieved through a combination of workshop activities to develop skills, and supervised team working practical sessions within which students will apply knowledge gained from other modules. These learning sessions will occur during both the standard teaching periods during the semester, and during the Jan exam period.

Learning outcomes
1. Develop and reflect on research knowledge, skills & behaviours relevant both to their discipline, and for careers within and beyond the Biomedical and Exercise sciences;

2. Collaborate and work successfully in disciplinary and interdisciplinary team environments, contributing positively and flexibly to the team’s outputs;

3. Communicate scientific and other information, ideas, problems and solutions, verbally and/or non-verbally, to different audiences;

4. Propose evidence-based, ethical and sustainable solutions to a local sustainable development challenge or issue relevant to their discipline;

5. Appraise the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion in both disciplinary and societal contexts, including how historical events have shaped disciplinary thinking and cultures;

6. Demonstrate an entrepreneurial mind-set by creating solutions to real-world problems relevant to their discipline.

Skills outcomes
Opportunities to develop both academic and employability skills that relate to undertaking the team-based challenge project include:

Effective methods of learning within the university environment

Informed literature searching and critical reading

Digital literacy, software use, and programming

Reading and interpreting guidelines and regulations

Written and oral communication

Goal setting and personal motivation and proactivity

Teamwork, team structures and roles, with leadership opportunities

Critical thinking and problem solving

Organisational and time-management skills

Personal reflection, personal growth, and person skills auditing

Cultural awareness and competencies


This module will provide students with the opportunity to address a current human health-related challenge in a facilitated team-based environment. These challenges will relate to each students’ specific programme of study (Neuroscience, Sports and Exercise Science, Pharmacology, Human Physiology, Physical Activity and Health, or Biomedical Science) and facilitate the development of core skills necessary to address the challenge. Challenges tackled and skills gained will align with taught content in other first-year modules. The skills listed above will be delivered through a combination of team-based learning activities, workshops, screencasts (small pre-recorded lectures) and self-directed learning, These skills and methods of learning will culminate in a team-based extended project relating to a local challenge related to human health. As part of this module students will be required to undertake 12 hours of voluntary or paid experience hours throughout the year. Advice and support for finding and conducting this experience will be provided.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Independent online learning hours12.00
Private study hours52.00
Total Contact hours136.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)200.00

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Throughout their team-based projects, students’ progress will be monitored by academics who will give feedback on their overall project progress, as well as the skills being developed and utilised within these projects, including but not limited to oral and written communication, team dynamics, literature searching and critical reading, and digital literacy skills. Formative peer review sessions will be held twice per semester.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
PortfolioIndividual portfolio. This will depend on the audience and outputs the team choose. It could include planning documents, stake holder and solution concept maps, oral presentation and evidence briefs. The mark will be based on what the individual student has contributed.30.00
PortfolioTeam portfolio. This will depend on the audience and outputs the team choose. It could include planning documents, stake holder and solution concept maps, oral presentation and evidence briefs. The mark will be a team mark based on all the contributions by individuals and how this works cohesively as a team portfolio.50.00
Written WorkSummary & contribution statement. An outline of the project planning and findings -highlighting their own contribution to the project.20.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Assessment briefs highlighting the types of assessment will be created, different marking criteria per output and peer marking based on individual effort (buddy check) will be implemented to weight the division of the final team mark (+/-5%).

Reading list

There is no reading list for this module

Last updated: 17/06/2024 13:32:11


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