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2020/21 Taught Postgraduate Module Catalogue

CAPE5990M CFD Software

15 creditsClass Size: 40

Module manager: Dr DJ Borman

Taught: Semester 1 (Sep to Jan) View Timetable

Year running 2020/21

This module is not approved as an Elective


Module objectives are to:
- provide a broad understanding of the CFD theory approaches as used in a range of Commercial CFD packages;
- develop an appreciation of how to use a CFD code and the associated limitations;
- develop an understanding of how to use a range of preprocessors (e.g. Design Modeller) to create geometry, to generate mesh and examine the quality of the mesh;
- demonstrate and develop understanding around setting up a range of complex CFD models (using a range of commercial codes) (e.g. how to use the solvers to perform calculations and examine the solution and to post process the solution);
- provide students with an appreciation of factors and issues related to CFD modelling, such as convergence, accuracy, mesh independence, modelling approximations, High Performance Computing (HPC);
- understand and make use of relevant approaches for visualising CFD results in an effective manner to communicate results effectively.

Learning outcomes
Students will be able to:
- Apply CFD theory and approaches as used in Commercial CFD solvers
- Use a range of preprocessors effectively (as required to undertake a CFD study)
- Set up CFD models to solve for a range of fluid flow problems
- Meaningfully examine and interpret the solutions of their models
- Apply standard post processing techniques
- Appreciate key factors and issues related to CFD such as convergence, accuracy, mesh independence, modelling approximations, High Performance Computing (HPC).


- Introduction and theory for Commercial CFD software;
- Overview of CFD theory and approaches used in Commercial CFD packages;
- Preprocessors: Using a range of preprocessors (Design Modeller, ICEM) for geometry creation and mesh generation;
- Set up a range of CFD models and appreciate the impact of varying key parameters (e.g. Reynolds No, geometry, flow rates, temperatures, turbulence models);
- Examine and interpret the solutions;
- Apply a range of post process techniques to the solution;
- Test for convergence and accuracy and appreciate the implications;
- Solve a wide range of basic problems (using a range of solvers) in various geometries to gain a good understanding of key approaches;
- Introduction to visualisation (e.g. using ANSYS CFD-Post);
- Introduction to High Performance Computing.

Teaching methods

Delivery typeNumberLength hoursStudent hours
Class tests, exams and assessment210.0020.00
Independent online learning hours20.00
Private study hours62.00
Total Contact hours68.00
Total hours (100hr per 10 credits)150.00

Private study

Review of lecture materials
Directed preparatory work
Working through computer based CFD examples
Background reading for assessments

Opportunities for Formative Feedback

Weekly computer based workshops.
The first assignment involves students completing and submitting a series of examples (with short explanations of key findings etc) - this provides a useful measure of progress midway through the course.

Methods of assessment

Assessment typeNotes% of formal assessment
Report2 CFD Investigative Assigments80.00
Computer Exercise10 Computer Based CFD Examples20.00
Total percentage (Assessment Coursework)100.00

Normally resits will be assessed by the same methodology as the first attempt, unless otherwise stated

Reading list

The reading list is available from the Library website

Last updated: 10/08/2020 08:43:53


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